Bitcoin Time Traveler Message - Summary

Kelly Bigelow
3 min readMar 20, 2018

This was about a time traveler from 2025 who has come back in time to warn us about bitcoins. He predicted that every year so far the value of bitcoin has increased by about a factor of 10. For example, $0.1 in 2010, $1 in 2011, $10 in 2012, and $100 in 2013. From then going forward it’ll increase by a factor of 10 every other year. For instance, $1,000 in 2015, $10,000 in 2017, $100,000 in 2019, and $1,000,000 in 2021.

In his world, there were two forms of wealth, land and cryptocurrency. There were over 19 million bitcoins known to be used in the world, also including a few hundred thousand that were permanently lost. With a population of over 7 billion people, the average person owns under 0.003 bitcoin and the mean person owns 0.001 bitcoin which makes most of them rich. Early adapters, also known as “earlies,” and those with rich wealth survived the “transition” and live in isolated gated cities called Citadels where most of the work is automated. Citadels were also created to protect places where bitcoin mining machines are located. In our time we know how to access the ASICminer, but for them ASICminer is a city where Mr.Friedman rules as king.

The world that we’ll soon live in will no longer have governments since bitcoin transactions are anonymous, therefore, the government can’t enforce taxation on their citizens. Bitcoin also turned out to be an effective method to hide wealth from governments. Even though governments tried to stay relevant by buying bitcoin, they ended up only making things worst by increasing the value of bitcoins. The economic growth is about -2% per year which means that if someone owns more than 0.01 bitcoins then they’re most likely not doing anything with their money. Similar to the medieval ages, there society had no economic growth. If you owned a significant amount of bitcoins you had to leave and no longer speak to your family and friends, and you had to change your identity. There have been a few suicide incidents of people who couldn’t handle seeing bag-holders, the skeptical people who believed bitcoin would eventually collapse.

They’ve tried to abandon bitcoin and move to another system, but no one wanted to voluntarily invest a lot of money into a currency where you knew your wealth will continuously decrease. Bitcoin was a danger and a success all in one because it allowed everyone to give in to their own greed. The time traveler was apart of an underground network. They’re planning to launch a simultaneous nuclear pulse attack on every densely populated area around the world. The goal is that the resulting chaos will allow the world’s population to rise up and revolt, destroying as many computers out there as possible until bitcoin loses any relevance.

Unfortunately the outcome of this plan will lead to billions of deaths which is the price they’ll be forced to pay in order to avoid eternal enslavement of humanity to a tiny elite. They call us, the people of the present day, to find a way to destroy bitcoin while its still new to many people. It’ll be hard since we believe we were helping the world by eliminating the central banking cartel that governs our economies. However, if we want to live in a future like the time traveler described then we’re all doomed. Therefore, it’s important that we do something now while we still have a chance so our future doesn’t end up like that.

