3 Reasons Why Your Money Spells Aren’t Working

Kelly Dawn
3 min readNov 1, 2018

In a perfect world, we could all just wave our magick wands or light a green candle, and money would flow effortlessly into our lives.

Unfortunately, that’s not how money spells work.

Sometimes they take a lot longer than expected or you only end up manifesting small amounts of money, and sometimes, the spell doesn’t seem to work at all.

Here are 3 of the most common reasons why your money magick isn’t working:

1. You’re coming from an energy of desperation

If you’re at the point where you’re doing a money spell to cover basic expenses, that desperate energy could be repelling the money you want to call in.

The Universe is always matching our vibration and sending us back things that are aligned with what we’re sending out.

If you’re panicking as you do your spell hoping to get enough cash to cover your rent, you’re in the low vibration of fear and trying to manifest anything positive from that place is going to be tough.

In this case, do your best to get into a calm mental state before doing your money magick and take a few moments to feel into the energy of the abundance by visualizing what life will be like once you’ve manifested the money you desire.

This will raise your vibration and allow you to do your work with a clearer mind that’s focused on what you want more of and take the focus off any lack you’re experiencing.

2. You Don’t Believe You Can Have It

Having the belief that you can manifest what you’re doing your magick for is THE most important ingredient in any spell.

When it comes to money magick this is why it’s often easy to manifest small amounts of cash but it’s a struggle getting the amount you actually want.

Let’s say you want to manifest a million dollars ( hey why not?!) and you know exactly what you’d spend the money on. You can see yourself living in your dream house, going on vacations, and you can feel how amazing it would be to have that money in your bank account.

While that’s all well and good, if deep down you don’t really believe that’s possible for you, or if you believe that having that much money would somehow do more harm than good ( like destroy your relationships, or cause you to stress over having to manage that much money), you won’t manifest it.

3. You don’t have a way for the money to come in

Sure there are cases of random cheques coming in the mail for money that was owed to you, and sometimes people win big playing the lottery, but money magick works best when you already have a way set up for the money to come to you.

This means if you have a business, you already have services or products to sell, and you’re marketing yourself so people can buy from you. Or you either have a job or you’re sending out resumes and applying for a new one.

Money magick can definitely work in mysterious ways ( and that’s really the beauty of any type of spell work), but it works best when we do our part in the physical realm by having a way set up for the money to come in and as an added energetic boost to what we’re already doing.

