Kelly Margatina
2 min readMar 18, 2018

MetLife -“My Father is a Liar”

A short story of a father’s and his daugther’s daily life, a commercial with over than one million views on Youtube, described as one of the most touching advertisements ever published. A campaign of an Asian insurance company ,MetLife, which in less than five minutes attracts, holds, and finally breaks the receptor’s heart.The whole story refers to the uncertainty of life and every kind of imbalances that may appear. However, despite any difficulty, any obstacle, a parent is always there to make whatever it takes for his children.He must be strong, powerful, a “super hero” as this young lady sees her father.

He is definitely her whole world. They play, they eat, they study together. He is there at every step she takes. He’s giving her everything she wants, she dreams or imagines.But she’s “blind” because of her pure feelings about him and the world around her. In reality, he is tired, exhausted and not the kind of man she sees in his eyes. He is braver than she thinks, stronger than he appears and the most loyal friend that she could ever wish for.

The campaign, generally, promotes an educational insurance for children to finish higher education and in order to achieve their dreams in life. A great parent, struggles to provide the best to his children;best shelter, the best upbringing, education and life and that is what exactly the MetLife promises through this father and daughter relationship to give.

The little girl, is giving him a letter; a letter from her small but really deep heart. She’s describing him as the sweetest, smartest, kindest, most handsome and clever man. Her own superman. But for her, he’s a liar. He lies about having a job, having money, about not being tired or hungry, he lies that they have everything and most importantly, about his hapiness.

A child’s future is worth every sacrifice.

How far would you go for your children?

Team strat-edgies: Myrto Touloupi, kostas gonidakis

Betty Tsakarestou Lina Kiriakou