Kelly Moore
1 min readAug 6, 2016

Discovering Heroes

There are all kinds of heroes in this world that go unrecognized and deserve so much more support than what is given to them. I love to hear stories of their lives and the sacrifices they have made. Feel free to share or let me know about a hero to you and I will share it on my website.

For those of you that know me personally, know that I am a nurse and for those of you that have read my books, they all have nurses in them as main characters. Most of my books also have a military character in them as well. So to honor nurses and our military, I want to take the time each week and find our heroes from the past. This week I would like you to meet Helen Fairchild

Helen Fairchild nursed thousands of wounded soldiers during her very brief career. She was born in Pennsylvania and graduated as a nurse from Pennsylvania Hospital in 1913. A few years later in 1917, WWI began and Fairchild joined the American Expeditionary Force. She was sent to a location in Passchendaele, France along with 63 other nurses, where she cared for 2,000 wounded soldiers while under fire.

Helen Fairchild