CitiOS - One of the Best Smart City Concepts

Kelly Simson
4 min readNov 12, 2019


With the invention of Bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2009. Cryptocurrency has emerged all over the world. after that Blockchain technology is popular in the world. It’s become a global phenomenon, sparking the imagination of technology leaders, entrepreneurs and financial investors. This technology is giving answers to the modern day problems. The world is rapidly adopting to blockchain world.

What is CitiOS ?

CitiOS is one of the highlighted project in recently. They are mission is create an autonomous system to execute a certain set of task with out any delay. To achieve this CitiOS is offering a system of IoT devices which is integrated with blockchain technology and MESH network with a decentralized service platform. In this platform execution of tasks, and payments will be done instantly. Also, it‘s possible to collect and store data for analyze. CitiOS try to implement this advance system to traditional cities. So we can transform traditional cities to smart cities with the help of this technology.

Why people should use CitiOS ?

Because with the use of this system we can reduce human errors easily. It will easy to implement this tech to our traditional cities. Most of the Governments failed to maintain UN Sustainable development goals especially security & safety.

These are some of the goals that defined in UN Sustainable goals,

  • Maintain Healthy lives and well-being for all at all age
  • Construction of robust infrastructure, promotion of sustainable industrialization and fostering of innovation
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Identifying Natural calamities Changes before it happens by tracking past and present Data

CitiOS has offering the solutions to all these problems. Lets see what they offer to us. CitiOS try to reduce natural disasters because of the environmental pollution. They developed a system which keep track of the impact of such calamities so as to help in the recovery. Also, most of the developing economies are getting tighter and tighter with time and societies are getting more and more desperate with time. Further more most cities especially in the third world countries still maintain the Pre- Colonial building and infrastructure. So they need proper analysis to determine and predict if the structures are still viable or not. CitiOS blockchain technology is key to solving all these challenges for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Key Features in CitiOS System

  • Edge computing and AI Chip Embedded

In CitiOS have proposing a cutting edge technology that combination of Edge Computing and NM500 AI chips. So the generated data from the Sensors will transfer through LoRa-Private Protocal.

  • Autonomous IoT

It is very important feature in CitiOS. It allows IoT devices to communicate directly to each other anywhere in the system without relying on Central Server.

  • Real Time H2M. M2M Micro-payments

Leverage Crypto to allow no transaction cost , high transaction speed and scalability for applications requiring H2M and M2M.

  • Blockchain Services

Everyone gets their own blockchain ID which enable perfect trace-ability. It allows to control and identify every participants and devices easily.

CitiOS building a data exchange which facilitate the usage and sharing for IoT data without a middleman with the help of blockchain technology.

Applications of CitiOS Blockchain

  • Structural Health Monitoring

This Structural Health Monitoring will help identify and predict whether infrastructures changes in time and take necessary measures to overcome various defects. This application of CitiOS is wonderful innovation for developing city. It will save money and time.

  • Street Light Controlling System

This Street Light System have very advance technology. They use cutting edge AI CCTV technology for recording digital evidence in case of use for solving crimes, accidents and others. Most advance Solar power system use for giving power to CCTV system and Street Lights. Combination of all these features representing the World’s first & most advanced CitiOS Street Light Controlling System.

I think this concept have more advantages to a developing City. So in near future we need to implement these concept in our cities soon.

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Bitcointalk profile:;u=1685433

