This Is Your Brain On Writing

It’s like a free gym membership to get a swole brain

Photo Credit: Mihaela Rosu on iStock

On average, I write about 100,000 words a week.

My writing comes in many forms. I’m a freelance copywriter as my main source of income, so much of that writing count comes from client projects. I also publish daily on Medium and create written content for other social media platforms like LinkedIn. After adding emails and other personal types of writing in there, I’m writing collectively and consistently for at least four hours a day.

I’ve always enjoyed writing and majored in English in college, earning my BA, MA, and Ph.D. in English. So I’ve always written a lot.

But over the past four years, my writing habit has become more consistent and voluminous.

Since I’ve scaled up my writing habit, I’ve noticed differences in my brain. And while these are my personal observations on how writing has helped me, there’s quite a bit of science behind the many benefits of writing on the brain. So if you’re engaged in a regular writing habit, you’re likely reaping the benefits, too.



Kelly Westeen, Ph.D. | Éclat Creative

Freelance copywriter who broke free from the 9-5 grind and showing others how to do it 👏 Sharing insights on freelancing, writing, mindset & some random stuff