I have no enemies, words to live by.

Kelsey lyle
3 min readJul 20, 2023

You Have No Enemies, No One… Has Any Enemies.

A quote that has been circling the internet.

The quote comes from the anime Vinland Sage, an amine first looked at as the glorification of war, pillaging, and killing set in 1013 AD.

The first season doesn’t take long to introduce you to the action. By episode six a young man named Thorfinn is thrust into the depths of hell after his father sacrificed his life to save his son.

Thorfinn joins up with the Vikings that killed his father, swearing one day that he’d get his revenge on the man that killed his father.

On the path, Thorfinn is shown a completely different way of life.

Killing for fun

Pillaging villages

Doing what it takes to survive

From being an innocent kid, he grows up killing, and training to get strong enough to get revenge.

The day comes when the man that killed his father, sacrifices himself to allow a new king to conquer Europe.

This sends Throfin into a rage. The man he’s been spending his whole life for a chance at revenge was now dead.



Kelsey lyle

Aspiring Creative Writer ~ Working towards my Degree in Anthropology with a direct Focus in Archaeology ~ Writing about history, Archaeology and more!