Strange Findings: 100 Foot Giant Congo Snake?

Kelsey lyle
2 min readSep 11, 2023

Col. Remy van Lierde 1959, a typical day stationed at his air base in Kamina in the African Congo. Returning to home base from a mission by helicopter, Van Lierde and the two soldiers who were involved in the mission noticed something strange while flying over the jungle.

Something seemed off to the three men, at first glance, it looked as if something massive was moving along the ground visible from the helicopter.

The Colonel decided he needed to see and find out what it was he saw. After multiple flyovers of this suspicious object/creature, it was then they realized what they were truly seeing.

The three men couldn’t believe their eyes, slithering across the Congo jungle looked to be a large snake. This wasn’t some ordinary anaconda or python (The largest recorded snake was 10 meters, or about 32.8 feet, long) this was something bigger and more terrifying.

On record Col. Remy Van Lierde stated that the snake they saw from their helicoper, had to be close if not bigger than 30.48 meters (100 ft) long, 3 + feet wide.

He later described the giant snake as having a dark shade of green and brown with a white-colored belly and claimed the snake’s head was 3 feet wide, and that the jaws were of a triangular shape.



Kelsey lyle

Aspiring Creative Writer ~ Working towards my Degree in Anthropology with a direct Focus in Archaeology ~ Writing about history, Archaeology and more!