Hey, come write for my newsletter!

kelsey weekman
2 min readJul 8, 2016


My little newsletter that was once just a school project has become something I’m really proud of.

I want to share the experience by opening up a guest section for friends (IRL and on the internet) to write about whatever they want.

I am no media outlet, but I have a tight-nit group of subscribers and about a 70 percent open rate — that’s nearly 50% higher than the average professional newsletter.

Whether you are a professional writer or one who does it for fun or just someone with something to promote, I want you to write for Kelsaywhat Weekly. If you’re interested, here’s all you have to do.


  • Content cannot be offensive or heavily political. Keep it in the lighthearted spirit of the ~brand~ and remember that this is my personal newsletter and I am a journalist! No profanity pls. Replacement words are much funnier.
  • Your content will be published both in my newsletter AND on my Medium account (with your byline, of course!) for posterity. But that will be your shareable link.
  • Try to keep your writing under 200 words. I know that’s short, so if you can’t, I’ll publish a full version on my Medium account and link to it.
  • You can promote yourself. You can promote anything or anyone. You can be silly or serious. Just remember it’s the internet and it’s forever.
  • This is free. For both of us. Swag.
  • Important deadlines: 1. I will send you a reminder the Wednesday before your writing is due. 2. You MUST send me a full idea by noon the Saturday before so I can approve it! 3. Get it to me by noon on Sunday so I can make sure I don’t write about what you write about in my sections.
  • In order to write for me, you have to share my newsletter subscribe link once on your personal social media, and ultimately convince 5 people to subscribe to it in some way. Yes, I can check this! This is my way of spreading the word about my newsletter on a personal level and your way of making sure your friends read your work.

Are you as amped as I am? Apply to write for me with this form.

