How Colours Get Their Codes

Kelsi Olstad
7 min readAug 25, 2022


Coloured water in glass tubes with light shining behind them, creating coloured lines in front of the tubes.
Source: Joyce McCown

Years ago, a classroom of Grade 1 students were learning their primary colours. Songs, dances, colouring pages, games, you name it, all working toward a final painting project with the artist-in-residence. The day finally came — giddy with excitement, the children took their seats in the art room.

“As you know, the primary colours are: yellow…”

Students nod. A few cheers.


Nodding slows.

“And cyan.”

Frozen silence.

“What the fuck is cyan?” — 23-year-old me and at least one six-year-old child, probably (kept as an ‘inside thought’ for obvious reasons).

The Primary Colours

One of the most basic ideas in colour theory is that all colours are made by a combination of primary colours which, as most of us have been taught at some point, are: red, yellow, and blue. However, as Mr. Artist pointed out, that is not entirely accurate. While it may seem like a minor technicality, the primary colours are in fact: magenta, yellow, and cyan. If you are skeptical, this video does a nice job demonstrating mixing the three true primaries.

Cyan, magenta, and yellow primary colour wheel. It shows that Cyan and magenta make blue, yellow and cyan make green, and magenta and yellow make red. All colours combined make black. There is a white background.
Primary Colour Diagram. Theoretically, the primary colours added together make black.

For the next few years, I moved through the world with the confidence of someone who knew the true primary colours. This confidence was not long lasting. What ultimately shook my concept of colour theory (again), was encountering the RGB function while learning HTML and CSS.

RGB Values

In code, a colour can be specified in a few ways, including by using RGB values. Essentially, you select a colour by specifying the amount of red, green, and blue out of 255 respectively.

Colour selector from Visual Studio Code. A purple colour is selected with a rgb code of rgb(154, 87, 180). There is a colour scale on the side.
The format for selecting a colour using RGB is shown at the top of this image.

You might be thinking this sounds a lot like mixing primary colours, and you would be right. Take a look at the table below to see a few colours and their corresponding RGB values. A zero represents the complete absence of that colour whereas 255 represents the highest amount possible.

A table showing the colours from the light and physics primary colour wheel. Black has three zeros, white has 255 for all values.

You might notice something peculiar about the RGB values in the table above. For one, we see the so-called primary colours made up of two colours each. Secondly, we also see that white contains all colours whereas black contains none. Understanding of colour theory rocked once again!

It turns out there are actually two sets of primary colours. One set (cyan, magenta, and yellow) for material colours, like paints, and another set (red, green, and blue) for physics and light, like with computer screens.

Light/physics colour wheel. There is a black background with red, blue and green as the main colours. It shows that red and blue make magenta, blue and green make cyan, and red and green make yellow. All colours together make white.
You may recall some sort of demonstration from an elementary science class involving a prism to show that white light is made up of all colours.

I think most people understand, or would guess, that there must be a logical explanation for why colours are scaled from 0 to 255, a seemingly random number. Rather than being chosen because it was some nerd’s favourite number (said with love), 255 is significant because it relates to how computers process information.


While computer programs can be written in a variety of languages, including C or JavaScript, computers essentially understand just one language — binary.

As an elementary math fanatic, I will take any opportunity I can to talk about number systems and number sense. Yes, I am a terrible party guest. Or a great party guest if you are tired and want everyone to leave — it’s all about perspective.

Unlike the decimal system, a base 10 number system, binary is a base 2 number system. Without going into too much detail, this means that where the decimal system has a place value for ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, etc., all of which are powers of 10, and utilizes 10 digits (0 through 9), the binary system has a ones place, a twos place, a fours place, an eights place, a sixteens place, you get the idea — all powers of 2, and utilizes only 2 digits: 0 and 1.

Four place values are shown with their values. 1000 has a value of 3, 100 has a value of 1, 10 has a value of 0 and 1 has a value of 9.
Demonstrating place values with the base 10 Decimal System

The number above, 3109, can be represented in different ways, including standard form, written form, and expanded form. If we were to represent 3109 in expanded form, it would look this:

3000 + 100 + 0 + 9

This could be expanded even further to:

1000 + 1000 + 1000 + 100 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

Three thousands, one hundred, zero tens, and nine ones.

Added together we get 3109.

Place values are shown for a binary number with the corresponding values. The place values from left to right are 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 and the values are 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.
Base 2 Binary System

It is the same idea with the binary number system. 10110001 can be represented as:

128 + 0 + 32 + 16 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1

Added together we get 177.

Place values are shown for a binary number with the corresponding values. The place values from left to right are 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 and the values are all 1.
Base 2 Binary System

Here is another example. The binary number above, 11111111, can be represented as:

128 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1

Added together we get 255 — a number I hope looks familiar to you at this point. In both of the binary examples above, we have 8 binary digits. Binary digits are also known as bits.

Bits and Bytes

On its own, a bit will not go very far — it’s only one digit after all! In order to effectively process information, a computer will process bits in groups of 8, known as bytes. Little bite-sized bits of information.

A table with three columns titled “bits”, “exponential”, and “possible combinations”. The table shows that the possible combination is 2 to the power of bits. 1 bit gives us two combinations — 0 or 1. 3 bits means 2 to the power of 3 which gives us 8 combinations of digits using 0 and 1. 8 bits gives us 256 combinations.
8 bits make up 1 byte and give us 256 possible binary combinations.

Using 1 byte(8 bits), there are 256 different ways to represent a binary number — and this is the reasoning behind using numbers up to, and including, 255 with the RGB function. Since we start at 0 rather than 1, we must stop at 255 to give us only 256 possibilities.

Colour selector from Visual Studio Code. A light blue colour is selected with a rgb code of rgb(154, 224, 255). There is a colour scale on the side.
This colour’s rgb values in binary: 10011010 11100000 11111111

With that information, we can conclude that web colours are made up of 3 bytes — one for each red, green, and blue and each colour’s number is a representation of a binary number, which is what is actually understood by the computer. Neat!


Using the RGB function is not the only way to specify a colour. Another method, and perhaps a more commonly used and preferred method, is to use a hexadecimal code.

As you may be able to tell by the name, hexadecimal is another number system (yay!) with base 16. Hexadecimal codes are only 6 digits — 2 digits for red, 2 for green, and 2 for blue. As a result, we will be working with only 2 place values at a time.

Showing 2 place values for the hexadecimal number system. On the leftmost side there is a sixteens place and the right side is the ones place. Both values are empty.
Hexadecimal Place Value System for Hexadecimal Colour Codes

To better understand, let’s convert the RGB colour code from the previous section, rgb(154, 224, 255), into hexadecimal.

Starting with the value of red, we will divide 154 by 16 and round down. Rounding down, we get 9.

154 is divisible by 16 nine times

9 * 16 = 144

To get the remaining value, we will subtract 144 from our initial number.

154 — 144 = 10

We have encountered a problem. We only have one digit left to use but the number of ones we have requires two digits. In order to counter this issue, letters are used in place of numbers.

A table showing letter number pairs. A is equal to 10, B is equal to 11, C is equal to 12, D is equal to 13, E is equal to 14, and F is equal to 15.
10 through 15 are represented by letters A through F
Hexadecimal place values. There is a 9 in the sixteens place and an A in the ones place.
Hexadecimal code for the value of red in rgb(154, 224, 255)

To double check our work:
9 * 16 = 144
10(A) * 1 = 10
144 + 10 = 154

To convert the value of green, we divide 224 by 16.

224 / 16 = 14

14 is represented as E in hexadecimal code. Since the number was divisible by 16, we have no remaining ones.

Hexadecimal place values. There is an E in the sixteens place and a 0 in the ones place.
Hexadecimal code for the value of green in rgb(154, 224, 255)

Finally, we will do the same process with the value of blue. 255 divided by 16 and rounded down is 15, represented by F.

16 * 15(F) = 240

255 - 240 = 15

Hexadecimal place values. There is an F in the sixteens place and an F in the ones place.
Hexadecimal code for the value of blue in rgb(154, 224, 255)

All together, this gives us a hexadecimal code of #9AE0FF.

Colour selector from Visual Studio Code. The same light blue colour from the previous image is shown with a hexadecimal code of #9ae0ff. There is a colour scale on the side.


The RGB function and hexadecimal code are two common ways colours can be specified; however, there are more methods! Colour theory, both in the fine arts and in technology, is a topic that is endlessly fascinating and worthy of additional study. I’ll leave you with this:

On a scale from 0 to 255 how fun is colour in code? I’m only looking for 10 answers here: 255 or FF.

Okay, I’ll stop.

Thank you for reading!✨

Sources & Further Reading

Reinventing the Wheel: Why red is not a primary color (John Muir Laws)
RGB Function (Microsoft)
Primary Colors are Red, Yellow, and Blue, Right? Well, Not Exactly (How Stuff Works)
Binary (Computer Hope)
What is Binary? Understanding How Computers Use Base 2 (Make Use Of)
Bits and Bytes (Stanford)
Bits and Bytes (Stanford — Intro to Computing)
Bytes (Khan Academy)
Hexadecimal Colors (Math is Fun)
How to Read Hex Color Codes (Pluralsight)
HTML Color Codes and Names (Computer Hope)

