first test with thinking through the idea, while also showing the idea

note-taking experiment: procreate timelapse

Kelsy Gagnebin
2 min readMay 28, 2023


i thought it would be interesting to capture my note-taking process, especially the early stages of thought.

procreate allows you to record your sessions, which is a great feature and i’ve recorded a few rounds of me thinking-on-’paper’.

note: i’m not ‘good’ at procreate.

there are a lot of artists and talented people using this tool, so i figured i’d try it out (Paper is my original note-taking/everything app with the apple pencil, but i’ve slowly moved to GoodNotes. Paper hasn’t been updated in a bit and it makes me nervous).

i even bought a brush pack.

except, i don’t know how to use them properly so i’ve gone back to the basic 2-slightly modified default brushes.

ideally i’d have the timelapse feature in Paper or in GoodNotes.

procreate has just got so much more capabilities than what i need/want to grok at the moment.

but, here we are.

i’ve recorded a few timelapses of note-taking sessions that i’ll post.

i’m curious to see if the format makes sense & how it evolved (it’s been over a year, so i’m pretty curious to re-watch these and see if i can remember what i was thinking).

i’d thought about sharing this idea last year, but 🤷

my hope is that more people will share early ideas / concepts, even if they’ve been hanging out for ~year(s) to actually release.


🔗 links

    the homepage video is incredible, and also very much outside of anything i can actually do. this is a popular app and is worth exploring.
i can’t properly use any of these brushes, but i felt good supporting an artist
    this is one of those things where i see someone else's work, and despite knowing how things work, imagine that i’ll magically be able to produce that work if i just…had the brushes?
    there’s a practice piece that i haven’t put in, but if you’re someone who can actually use brushes, then i’d check out mattb’s.

postscript: it appears like the gifs aren’t working on mobile (only going a few seconds in before looping). it’s really killing the idea of showing the entire process.



Kelsy Gagnebin

thinking about systems, ux, xr, ai, and how {things} relate. on his way to becoming nobody — 🧙‍♂️