Kelvin Onyeka
3 min readSep 27, 2018


Memority is a decentralized platform used for the storage of all kinds of valuable information on blockchain. Its mission is to build an independent ecosystem with a great variety of applications useful for businessmen, individual investors and governments.

The whole system will be decentralized, with users rewarded for helping to store content with the platforms new MMR tokens. The Technical Aspect of Memority when a user uploads a file for storage the system will allocate a 'hoster' to store the file for them, this selection process chooses a suitable candidate that has a fast connection, as well as giving preference to those who host their own files on the network.
The file is then encrypted and sent to the host for storage, the hoster is then compensated with MMR tokens.

Memority API allows third-party developers to create desktop and online applications for decentralized encrypted storage of various types of data without a lengthy investigation into the technical details of blockchain technology. Developers are rewarded with 5% of payments for all stored files uploaded through their applications.
The creation of new applications will trigger the popularization of Memority, and an even greater influx of hosters and users, which will positively affect the work of the platform.


* Independence
All the processes which take place inside Memority are completely independent and self-contained. It is achieved by the principle of decentralization, when there is no dependence on any centralized system or higher authority.

* Protection from deleting
All data is stored in multiple (no less than 10) copies. The platform’s system of monitoring regularly checks their availability and makes new duplicates if they are needed. It protects information from accidental deleting.

* Data encryption
The owner of data stored in Memority is the only one person who has access to his personal information. He has his own private key which is used with the purpose of encryption. It’s impossible to fake it. Thanks to the innovative data identifiers information is also protected from forgery.


So advantages of using memority platform are:

* Decentralization of storage: One of the main problems with the current cloud storage market is that the storage is completely centralized, this obviously creates potential security issues, the Memority platform will help to decentralized this process and store files all across the globe.

* Multiple copies: The new platform will store multiple copies of files to further increase security, they aim to store 10 copies of all files that are uploaded to the network.

* The new platform will also users to store data for free, they'll receive credits if they're helping to store others files.

* Hosters on the network will receive 90% of the payment for helping to store data, this should obviously attract a lot of people to the network.


The MMR Tokens are the universal currency token to be used in the platform, it is to be use for making any transactions,means of payment as a reward to the operators. The company’s platform intended to roll out its tokens sale starting-date May 31, 2018. The ICO will be active for a period of one month. The company plans to end its token sale on June 30 2018 or if its target funding is achieved. The soft cap target is $ 5,000,000 USD while the hard cap target is $ 85,500,000 USD. Memority’s platform is based on ethereum tokens and individuals are required to use ethereum to buy the Memority’s tokens. The initial cost of the ICO token is set to be 0.1 USD.

Token: EMT
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
Price in ICO: 1 EMT = 0.1 USD
Tokens for sale: 855,000,000

Investment Info
Accepting: ETH, BTC, LTC, Fiat
Distributed in ICO: 57%
Soft cap: 5,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 85,500,000 USD






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