XAI Methods — Saliency

Introduction to one of the first attribution XAI methods

Kemal Erdem (burnpiro)
3 min readFeb 22, 2022

What is Saliency and why the same is confusing?

Saliency [1] is one of the first attribution methods designed to visualize the input attribution of the Convolutional Network. Because the word saliency is often related to the whole approach to display input attribution called Saliency Map, this method is also known as Vanilla Gradient.

The idea of the Saliency method starts from the class visualization by finding L2​-regularized image I that maximizes score Sc for a given class c. It can be written formally as:

Where λ is a regularisation parameter. To find the value of I, we can use the back-propagation method. Unlike in the standard learning process, we are going to back-propagate with respect to the input image, not the first convolution layer. This optimization allows us to produce images that visualize a particular class in our model (see Fig. 1).

Figure 1: The class model visualizations for several classes, source [1].

From class visualization to Saliency

This idea can be extrapolated, and with minor modifications, we should be able to query for spatial support of class cc in a given image I0. To do this, we have to rank pixels of I0​ in relation to their importance in predicting score Sc(I0​). Authors assume that we can approximate Sc​(I) with a linear function in the neighborhood of I0​ with:

For a pair of input image

and the class c, we are able to compute saliency map

(where mm and n are the height and width of the input in pixels). All we have to do is to compute derivative w and rearrange elements in the returned vector.

This method uses different approaches based on the number of channels in the input image I0. For grey-scale pixels (one color channel), we can rearrange the pixels to match the shape of the image. If the number of channels is greater than one, we are going to use the maximum value from each set of values related to the specified pixel.

where ch is a color channel of the pixel (i,j) and h(i,j,ch) is an index of the w corresponding to the same pixel (i,j). With the obtained map, we can visualize pixel importance for the input image I0​ as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Visualization of the saliency map by the Saliency generated for the class “pug”. Image source: Stanford Dogs

The original Saliency method produces a lot of additional noise but still gives us an idea of which part of the input image is relevant when predicting a specific class. This often causes a problem when the object on the image has a lot of details and the model is using most of them to make a prediction.


  1. K. Simonyan, A. Vedaldi, A. Zisserman. Deep inside convolutional networks: Visualising image classification models and saliency maps, 2014.
  2. A. Khosla, N. Jayadevaprakash, B. Yao, L. Fei-Fei. Stanford dogs dataset. https://www.kaggle.com/jessicali9530/stanford-dogs-dataset, 2019. Accessed: 2021–10–01.

Originally published at https://erdem.pl.

