If Hollywood Made Movies About Machine Learning Algorithms

Dawid Andrzejewski
4 min readMar 20, 2016


K-nearest neighbors

K-nearest neighbors

A scientific expedition to the Kongo jungle discovers a group of gorillas, one of which resembles a human being. Those in charge of the expedition decide to capture him, and bring him back to the London Zoo.

Jane Porter, a member of the expedition, starts to suspect that the gorilla may be a man brought up by apes.

Genre: Supervised learning

User ratings: 1/5 (easy)

User review: If I like this movie and you like it, it’s possible that I will like another movie which you liked. We are neighbors.

Decision Tree

Decision Tree

In 2008, international financial and banking markets were hit by the economic crisis, which was the result of bursting the so called credit bubble.

The title “Decision Tree” is a mechanism, which was for many years, successfully used for determining creditworthiness.

The movie tells the story of a group of specialists who notice that banks stopped acting according to the procedures, and are giving out loans to people, who have no chance of paying them back.

“Do you have a loan?” and “Did you have any problems in paying the loan installments in the last 12 months?” were some of the question which were left out in the “Decision Tree” question list…

Genre: Supervised learning

User ratings: 1/5 (easy)

User review: You will use Decision Trees, when you will be looking for a new car

Linear regression

Linear regression

A hitman saves a twelve year old girl, whose family is killed by corrupted cops. He starts to teach her his profession.

The sniper has to predict the actions of the moving target. The amount of “lead” in “leading the target” (the point-of-aim is ahead of the target) depends on the speed and angle of the target’s movement.

It turns out, that the young girl has a real knack for predicting such things.

Genre: Supervised learning

User ratings: 1/5 (easy)

User review: I gave his first movie 5 stars, second 4 stars, third 3 stars… I give this 2 stars without watching it!

Markov Chains

Markov Chains

A story of hot-dog vendor, who broke all records of sale at baseball games.

Billy discovered that people who have bought hot-dog on previous match, will buy it with bigger probability on current match, too.

With this knowledge, he has optimized his sales.

Genre: Supervised learning

User ratings: 3/5 (medium)

User review: His last movie was very good. I think this one will be good too!

Support Vector Machine

Support Vector Machine

Due to climate change, the era of man is coming to an end. A group of scientists discovers a wormhole which allows to search for a new home.

Joseph A. Cooper, a NASA pilot, ends up in a five-dimensional world which shows his entire life. He must find the right moment in time, where he will be able to pass invaluable information to his daughter.

Genre: Supervised learning

User ratings: 3/5 (medium)

User review: I like movies where problems are described in many dimensions

Naive Bayes

Naive Bayes

Mr Bayes is a kind policeman in Rhode Island. His life gets turned upside down, when his fiance gives birth to a black child.

At first, Bayes can’t believe that the child is his, but when it is confirmed by the nurses, he starts to think it really is possible.

Genre: Supervised learning

User ratings: 3/5 (medium)

User review:

This scene was hilarious:

Bayes: It’s not my child!

Jane: Yes, he is!

Bayes: Well, this is 50/50 situation. I’am not fully convinced

Jane: Nurses!?

Nurse1: He is your child!

Nurse 2: Agreed

Bates: So, its 75% true.. I have son!

He was so naive..

Neural Network

Neural Network

Rosen Blatt, a freshman, joins The Perceptron, a school choir for women, which participates in an a capella competition. The choir girls inject some energy into their repertoire and start to compete with the male rivals.

Surprisingly, they discover that girl with the most weight, Fat Amy, has the biggest influence on the quality of their singing.

The girls master the repertoire through arduous training, and changing their team members (called Inputs) in order to achieve the best result.

Genre: Unsupervised learning

User ratings: 5/5 (hard)

User review: This is how our brain works

I’m Founder and CEO at Bootstrap Shuffle (Bootstrap builder for busy developers).

