Ken B
1 min readAug 3, 2016


You have missed the elephant in the room: China is just learning some economic tricks from the US. Just wiki these facts:

  • iPhone awarded billions in damages from Samsing in US courts and Obama vetoing(!) the US ITC verdict
  • heavy US import taxes on Chinese solar panels, one of the few industries China is technological leader, and now also steel
  • US control of the World Bank that decides on Investor State Dispute Settlement cases (similar for IMF funding to countries)
  • US banning Huawei and ZTE from tendering network equipment citing concerns of espionage (ironically a typical US activity, see eg docu Citizen Four or Zero Days)
  • US fines of 8.9 billions to french bank BNP Paribas for business with Iran, Sudan and Cuba, although France did not have those sanctions in place
  • etcetera etcetera

(Without even mentioning the military bases, invasions for oil and resources, assassinations and coups around the world).
It’s dishonest to point at China favoring Chinese companies without pointing to the long history of US favoring their own.

