Intense & Entertaining SF Novel is a Dark Vision Balanced by Hope

An epic tale of technological determinism & sociological implications against the backdrop of a dystopian future that may be imminent for all of us

Ken Korczak
7 min readAug 14, 2024



The Burning Years is a bedazzling science fiction novel telling the dire story of a near-future Earth that many of us have already begun to experience.

We live in a remarkable era when science fiction can present fantastic, extrapolated scenarios that yet — at the same time — give us a visceral feeling of our present-day reality.


Billions of people have endured unbearable, sizzling-hot summers, massive hurricanes, flooding and unusually powerful tornadoes.

Along with that is a creeping erosion of economic lifestyles for the poor and middle class. There is a growing sense of social anxiety, an increasing intimation of communal dysphoria, loss of trust in government, regional hot wars, oceans encroaching on shorelines, flooding …

… and our hearts can only sink into a kind of helpless ennui as we witness the sixth mass extinction of plant and animal life in the many eons of our world’s history.



Ken Korczak

Newspaper journalist by trade, then went freelance and have been writing stuff for cold hard cash for 40 years.