Minnesota’s ‘Most Notorious UFO Case’ Solved After 40 Years?

New witnesses, remote viewing shed light on the famous incident sometimes called ‘Minnesota’s Roswell’

Ken Korczak
10 min readDec 26, 2021

Note: This is the first installment of a 4-part series.

When I was growing up in the tiny Minnesota town of Greenbush, population 714, our neighbor just across a narrow dirt alley was a pleasant woman who worked as a nurse. Her name was Daisy.

Daisy’s daughter was named after a flower too. Her name is Rose.

Rose grew up and married a guy from a nearby small town. That man was Val Johnson, a sheriff’s deputy in northwest Minnesota’s Marshall County. One late summer night in 1979, deputy Johnson would be thrust into international headlines and gain a lot more than his proverbial 15 minutes of fame.

That’s because his car police collided head-on with a 4-to-6-foot-wide orb-like “UFO.” The sensational nature of his bizarre encounter garnered Johnson a lot more than his allotted “15 minutes.”

Indeed, the event would follow him incessantly for the rest of his life.

Now more than 40 years later — to this day — Johnson still gets calls from journalists, podcasters, UFO buffs and sundry curiosity seekers from around the world…



Ken Korczak

Newspaper journalist by trade, then went freelance and have been writing stuff for cold hard cash for 40 years.