UFO & Black Swan Ghosts

Rare events of enormous consequence that can’t be predicted or calculated to happen have special relevance to UFO and other paranormal phenomena.

Ken Korczak
6 min readMay 20, 2022



So SIMEON HEIN is a guy with some serious academic chops.

He holds a PhD in sociology which he earned at Washington State University in 1992. He’s into things like exotic energy forms, statistical analysis and technological determinism.

He’s also into a lot of stuff that makes mainstream scientists grind their teeth, such as UFOs, remote viewing and crop circle research. One is tempted to say that Dr. Hein is himself a kind of Black Swan — you know, an outlier, someone willing to dally with the fringe — or should we say the leading edge?

Simeon Hein PhD : IMAGE SOURCE

But first, what is this reference to Black Swan that Hein uses in the title of this book?”

The Black Swan Theory is that which states that certain events can happen that are totally unpredicted and unexpected, can produce a major effect, often hugely negative — but are then rationalized after the fact with the advantage of 20/20 hindsight.



Ken Korczak

Newspaper journalist by trade, then went freelance and have been writing stuff for cold hard cash for 40 years.