Kenasia Turner
2 min readSep 25, 2017

The Only Attitude That Can Create Change

Upon my experience visiting 5 points MARTA station downtown Atlanta, I had never knew that above all the concrete surrounding it there was a very green earth-like field above it. When seeing the flyer for the event I question myself was I really in the right place? When I actually went in to the event I saw so many kids from different cultures interacting socially and smiling. It was almost like a safe-haven in the middle of the city.

When watching the game there was a incident with this little girl sitting right below me. When first coming in I saw her laying down panting. She was suffering from dehydration it be being hot and playing soccer. Her best friend must have been right by side caring for her hoping she’s okay. Upon sitting down she was assisted with a ice pack but she didn't want that she needed water. While all ready drinking water, she was given water with vitamin C supplements for water retention. Although she was not all the way recovered she wanted to play the game. Instructors said she wouldn't be allowed to go she was too dehydrated so her best friend went on to the field without her. She however was resistant and eager to play and went on to the field anyways.

Location: 5 Points Marta Station

This mentality that the little girl had is one that I think the players of the South African rugby team s have had. Where they were not just playing soccer for fun but for food, education, and equality and they were going to push through even when feeling bad. Or when people tried to stop them from uniting through soccer.I think the purpose for MARTA building this soccer field was to have a place where people can actually play in the city just for fun. Its also a station that unites all the Marta train stations so its perfect for people to unify and get together which is what this event was based on.