5 Steps to Take When You Are Stressed

Lex to Life
9 min readJun 17, 2024

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6,7).

Steps to take when you are stressed:

1. Pray — Talk through it with God. Have a detailed conversation. Tell Him exactly how you feel and be honest, he can take it, and this is a part of having a relationship with Him looks like. You are doing this to get everything off your chest.

2. Petition — Humbly ask for what you want. Again, be honest with God and tell Him exactly what you want, how you want it and when you want it. Use details to get it all out and then surrender it to Him.

3. Surrender it to God — When you surrender what you want to God you should feel a release. You could be stressed because what you are doing is outside the will of God or there is a problem in the way you are going about doing it. Now, trust Him with the problem or situation, and tell Him, and mean it, “not my will, but let your will be done.” Meaning you know that God knows what is best for you, so you want the outcome that He wants.

4. Gratitude — Thank God and know that everything will work out for your good. Thanking God is trusting that you know everything will be ok and it expresses gratitude for where you are in the present and trusting God for where you are going to be. You can express gratitude by…

