The End of Patriarchy: The Dawn of Gender Parity And The Rise of Female Independence

Nom de Plume
3 min readApr 7, 2023

Life in the past century was harsh and brutal: men and women had to cooperate to survive. In those times, women required men for economic and personal security for themselves and their children. However, with the changing times, women have become more independent and empowered. Today, many women no longer face financial insecurity and attend universities in record numbers, even surpassing the enrolment of men in most faculties. As a result, the traditional gender roles have to be reevaluated.

New realities

The new reality of gender roles will see a significant shift from the past. Women are now capable of supporting themselves and their families without relying on men. This has led to a more balanced relationship between men and women. Women are no longer confined to just the domestic sphere, and men are no longer expected to provide for their families alone. The traditional roles of men being the breadwinners and women being the homemakers are slowly being replaced by a new dynamic.

In this new reality, gender roles will be more fluid and flexible. Both men and women will have the opportunity to pursue their passions and careers without being confined by traditional expectations. Men will no longer be the sole providers, and women will no longer be the sole caretakers of the household. Instead, both men and women will have the freedom to choose the roles they want to play in their family and society.

Moreover, this new reality will also see a significant change in the way we perceive gender roles. The idea that men and women are fundamentally different and therefore suited for different roles will no longer hold true. Instead, we will acknowledge that individuals have different strengths and weaknesses, regardless of their gender. This means that men can be nurturing caregivers, and women can be successful business leaders. There will be no predetermined expectations of what each gender is supposed to be good at or do.

Growing pains

The shift from traditional gender norms to new gender dynamics will inevitably cause conflicts and challenges for both men and women. Navigating potential conflicts will require significant changes in societal attitudes and beliefs. Men, in particular, will need to shift their mindset from one of superiority and control to one of partnership and equality. Men will need to accept that women are no longer inferior to them and that their roles as providers and protectors are no longer necessary.

At the same time, women will need to navigate the pressure to maintain traditional gender roles while pursuing their careers and passions.


Overall, the transition from traditional gender roles to new gender dynamics will require a lot of patience, understanding, and compromise from both men and women. If society is able to navigate this transition, it will produce a more harmonious and balanced world, where individuals can thrive and fulfill their potential, regardless of their gender.



Nom de Plume

Summoning the courage to develop and share my writing.