Fire the Judge!

Your Bestie
2 min readDec 7, 2023


Have you ever experienced an inspiring phrase or moment that changed your life? Well, mine occurred during my actors’ workshop at the Chicago Community Theatre. Allow me to paint the picture for you…

An undeniably awkward and introverted woman (yes, it’s me lol) is getting ready to perform a dramatic monologue in front of a packed house. Her heart is pounding, and she is visibly shaking with nervousness. Just as she tries to sneak out of the theatre to avoid potential embarrassment, her theatre teacher calls her to join the other students for a pep talk and warm-up exercise.

“Fire the judge!” the teacher shouts, his deep voice commanding the entire theatre. “Fire the person who is constantly judging your every move. Fire the person who says you shouldn’t be here. Let go of the person who says you can’t do this.”

It might not sound like much, but these few sentences brought tears to my eyes. I reflected on how harshly I judge myself and realized how unkind I am to my own abilities. I never allow myself to step out of my comfort zone, entirely controlled by the fear of embarrassment. In that moment, I gained self-awareness and was ready to let go. That judging voice in my head died that night.

Moments like these are why I continue to push myself. If I had decided I was too weak or shy to try theatre, I would have never been introduced to people who believed in me. Do you have an inspiring phrase or moment that changed your life? What was your “fire the judge” moment?


Your bestie



Your Bestie

I'm a 27 year old artist. I write to free my mind.