Craftsmanship and Lisp

Kenichi Sasagawa
2 min readJan 12, 2024


My created Easy-ISLisp is in stable mode. With few bug reports, I am enjoying peaceful days. Consequently, I indulge in another hobby of mine — modifying and tinkering with my beloved electric guitar. Acquiring used or affordable Stratocasters, I replace parts and readjust them. Surprisingly, even with inexpensive guitars, significant improvements result in astonishingly good sound. One of my revered guitarists, Jeff Beck, who has unfortunately passed away, was not only an exceptional guitar player but also had a passion for creating things. Building hot rods was one of his hobbies.

An Anecdote with Clapton

Among the world’s top three guitarists is Eric Clapton. When he purchased a splendid luxury car, he boasted about it to Beck. However, Beck showed him his custom hot rod, saying, “Cars are meant to be built!”

Let’s Create Lisp

Common Lisp has an extensive specification, making personal development a formidable challenge. However, with ISLisp, which is essentially a subset, it becomes feasible. Creating it personally allows for a deeper understanding of Lisp. There’s immense enjoyment in innovations for optimization, expanding parallel functionalities, and more. Merely mastering existing feature-rich, high-performance processors won’t provide the profound understanding and enjoyment that come with personal creation.


It is an interpreter/compiler adhering to the ISLisp standard, released under the BSD license. Feel free to enjoy it at your leisure.

sasagawa888/eisl: ISLisp interpreter/compiler (

