Milestone: Easy-ISLisp ver4.0 Released with Enhanced Parallel Features

Kenichi Sasagawa
1 min readJun 13, 2024


Goal Achievement

Today, I released Easy-ISLisp ver4.0. I have enhanced the long-awaited parallel processing capabilities. It now operates with multiprocessing and multithreading methods, functioning properly. It took about a year to work on parallelism. I am deeply moved.

First Encounter

It was around 1980 when I first encountered personal computers in Akihabara. It was an intellectual shock. I was amazed that even individuals could buy computers. Later on, I encountered Lisp and Prolog. They have been my longtime teachers and friends. I have learned a great deal from them.


Having achieved my goal, I plan to take a break and relax for a while. I’ve been invited by a jazz band. I want to enjoy playing guitar and music.

However, there may come a day when I feel the urge to delve into computers from the bottom of my heart again. Until then, it’s time for a break. Thank you, everyone.

