Kenichi Sasagawa
2 min readAug 2, 2019

Prolog in Elixir -Classical AI Programming language-


In 1983, I first learned about Prolog.Prolog was adopted for ICOT in Japan.
At that time, it was difficult to obtain a Prolog processing system that runs on personal computer.More than 35 years have passed since then. I made a very small subset Prolog interpreter by Elixir.

mix prolog
Prolog in Elixir
?- assert(append([], Xs, Xs)).
?- assert((append([X | Ls], Ys, [X | Zs]) :- append(Ls, Ys, Zs))).
?- append([1,2],[a,b],X).
X = [1,2,a,b]
?- append(X,Y,[1,2,3]).
X = []
Y = [1,2,3];
X = [1]
Y = [2,3];
X = [1,2]
Y = [3];
X = [1,2,3]
Y = [];

The calculation in Prolog is bi-directional. It is also possible to calculate an element for which the append result is [1, 2, 3]. It is a very strange programming language.

Prolog has no assignments. It uses unify instead. This unify will proceed with inference. Backtracking allows you to calculate all solutions.

All code is available on Github.

It consists of 4 modules.
Prolog, Read, Prove, and Print.
The Prove module is the core.The prove function infers using unify.
Elixir is highly descriptive. Because of this the prove is simple and compact.

[Data structure]
Predicate [: pred, [name | argument]]
Clause [: clause, head, body]]
Head head predicate [: pred, [name | argument]]
Body part, [pred1, pred2, … predn]
Formula [: formula, entity]
List The list of Elixir is diverted
Variables Atom: X upper case, :_ x underbar
Alpha conversion replace in preparation for recursion. {: X 1} Keep in the argument as a natural number n.
(Note) The number of atoms in Elixir is limited to about 1 million, and atoms can not be recovered by GC. So I save atom generation by the above method.
Environment Associative List
Predicate definition Keyword list

[As you like]
This interpreter is small, about 1000 lines by Elixir. The core prove function is small and easily understandable. Please enjoy improvement and remodeling.