How To Make The Most Out Of Your 20s.

Kenley Ariel Chin
5 min readMar 19, 2018


by Kendra Kamp on Unsplash
  1. Invest in yourself. Self-care is SO important. I know it can be expensive but it doesn’t have to be. Take a personal day off every now and then. Paint your nails. Light a candle and take a bath. Grab your favourite ice cream and stream some Netflix. Do whatever you need to do in order to help yourself feel better.
  2. Take chances that scare you. The comfort zone is where dreams go to die. It’s the place where things are easy and you don’t have to work hard. Take that leap of faith and venture into the unknown! That could be the push you’ve been waiting for.
  3. Come to terms with the fact that arriving at your big 3 doesn’t mean that your love life is over. There’s too many people who have this mentality that once their 20s are over so is their life, which is simply not true. Just because you’re 29 and single doesn’t mean on the morning of your 30th birthday you’ll be stamped “single for life”. That’s ridiculous. There’s still so much time for you to find “the one” and have a family after your 20s.
  4. Explore. Different cultures, environment, ideas and etc. Open your mind to new cultures, new people, new backgrounds and learn about them. Don’t seclude yourself to what you know you’re whole life.
  5. Read. A lot. Reading will change the way you think, teach you things you didn’t know, expand your mind to new worlds and it makes you a much well-rounded person. It will help you live thousands of lives compared to the person who doesn’t read.
  6. Stop justifying your choices. You shouldn’t have to explain yourself to other people anymore. If you don’t want to do something, don’t. If you want to quit, quit. If you want to travel the world, book your plane ticket. Don’t allow anyone else to make you feel bad about your decisions.
  7. Own your mistakes. Making mistakes is part of life, it’s what makes us human. No one is perfect and owning your mistakes will get you a hell of a lot further than trying to cover up the truth. Mistakes are unavoidable, lying isn’t.
  8. Learn to accept constructive criticism. Most people don’t really give a shit abuot your success or failures. However, if you’re able to find someone who’s willing to help you do better, thank them. Keep them around.
  9. Surround yourself with people who don’t judge you. Stop hanging out with people who you actively have to impress and hide certain parts of who you are in order to be more ‘liked’ by them. And if they’re judging you for who you are or what you do, these people don’t deserve to be your friends. Real friends accept you for who you are. It’s time to ditch these toxic people.
  10. Take a social media detox every once in a while. Social media is great but it’s also insanely draining. If the first thought you have is “oh I should Instagram that” then maybe it’s time you take a little break. Delete the apps for a weekend and give yourself a cleanse to clear your head.
  11. Learn when to let go. There are a lot of things that change through a lifetime with relationships and it’s important to know when it’s time to let things go. Sometimes as much as you want to remain in someone’s life the best thing for you to do is appreciate the time you had together and move on. It’s easier said than done but it’s good to start practicing now.
  12. Declutter your life and your mind. Write a to-do list, clean out your closet, donate all the shit you don’t need in your apartment. Do whatever you need to in order to live a less stressed out life because the more stuff you have the more attached to it you become creating an even more chaotic life.
  13. Stop doing what you think is expected of you and start doing what you want. You’re the only one who truly knows how you feel so live the way that makes your soul happy.
  14. Stop procrastinating. It’s a tough habit to break. Yet all the little procastinations we do to put off big and important stuff adds up to an amount of time and work we can only wish to have it back when we regret it later. Stop giving yourself these short-term gratifications and start thinking of what’s best for ourselves in the long run.
  15. Say yes to brunch. Brunch is always a good idea and it’s the simplest form of joy you can get easily.
  16. Stop living a life that looks good on the outside and start living a life that feels good on the inside. The truth is no one really cares what you’re doing unless you’re the Kardashians (which I’m pretty sure you’re not) and still then some people don’t care. Stop trying so hard to make your life look impressive and start living a life that makes you truly happy.
  17. Learn to forgive. Refusing to let go of past hurts and hate does nothing except make you more bitter. Learn to acknowledge things and let them go. Getting angry will do nothing good for you so forgive others and move on. Also, it’s important to learn to forgive yourself.
  18. Stop comparing yourself to others. The only time you do that is when you’re using it as fuel to improve yourself. Don’t compare yourself to other’s in a hateful, cruel way because everyone is different and you don’t see the struggle, most of the time you just see the success. Shift that focus onto you and your goals, that’ll work wonders.
  19. Pick up your calls. Stop. Fucking. Texting. All.The.Time. You know why misunderstandings tend to happen? Text, that’s why. It’s not that hard people. The simple act of giving or picking up a call shows sincerity and valuing of one’s time. It definitely provides a personal touch that’s unfiltered and honest.
  20. Enjoy your dessert. Life is all about balance and you should indulge every once in a while, just like you should work out and drink water. Don’t be so strict on yourself that you don’t enjoy life.



Kenley Ariel Chin

Just a ordinary guy with mixed blood fuelled by mixed emotions about pineapples on a pizza.