Q&A with a Kennedy Center Development Intern

Genevieve Ferris, Individual and Planned Giving Intern

The Kennedy Center
The Kennedy Center
4 min readDec 7, 2018


Name: Genevieve Ferris

College & major: Butler University | Dance Arts and Administration and Strategic Communication double major

Internship placement: Individual and Planned Giving Intern (development department)

Genevieve posing with the bust of President John F. Kennedy!

How I landed the internship: I think that having outside professional experience, specifically with an arts-related nonprofit, helped me to land this internship. Having experiences that I could draw from not only gave me the ability to showcase my accomplishments, capabilities, and working style, but it also gave me the confidence that I had previously lacked in interviews.

A typical day on the job: A typical day on the job for me is working on projects centered on donor services, stewardship, prospecting, and research. In fact, a cool aspect of my internship responsibilities is communicating with Kennedy Center donors and patrons, whether that be over the phone, a formal letter, or by email.

Favorite project so far: My favorite project thus far was helping out during the National Symphony Orchestra Season Opening Gala. I got to assist in coordinating the event talent (who happened to be Stormtroopers) for the evening! Even though it was not necessarily a challenging project, it was eye-opening and a great way for me to see all the work that happens behind the scenes leading up to and during a major event.

Proudest accomplishment: My proudest accomplishment has been maintaining a confident demeanor when communicating to donors and patrons.

Career skills acquired: Having had little experience in development prior to this internship, I have acquired a lot of career skills centered on development such as being able to use online databases (like Tessitura) and understanding how to execute the whole fundraising and acknowledgment cycle. More generally, I’ve deepened my skills in multitasking, knowing when to prioritize certain projects over others, and how to work under tight deadlines.

Genevieve and International Advancement intern, Heyjin Kwon, in the office.

What this internship has taught me about the real world: Working at the Kennedy Center has taught me that the real world is not as scary as I thought! I would also say that working here has not necessarily taught, but rather reaffirmed, to me that the arts are truly for everyone, regardless of your background, and that in the real world the arts continue to be the voices of past and present societies.

Biggest surprise: What has surprised me the most is just how friendly and extremely open everyone is here (not to say that I thought people were going to be mean!). It’s just that coming into such a renowned institution is a little intimidating, and so it was a pleasant surprise when I saw that the staff, from assistants to managers, throughout all the departments, are not only friendly but also so willing to go out of their way to help you or make the time to talk to you about anything!

What I’d do differently if I had to do it over again: As corny as this is, I would do nothing differently because everything happens for a reason. Every choice I have made (even if I didn’t realize it at the time) has informed who I am and where I am today.

Advice for prospective Kennedy Center Interns: My advice for someone seeking an internship at the Kennedy Center is to just be yourself and to be open to new people and experiences. While there is something to be said about having a specific internship in mind, don’t be afraid to branch out and try something new! There are a myriad of different departments and jobs within each department that might interest you.

What’s next? Since I am now a college graduate, I am actively pursuing a job in the arts. After my development internship here at the Kennedy Center, I am eager to continue to pursue a career in this field!

Looking for an internship to help explore a career in the arts? Check out the Kennedy Center’s internship opportunities and apply to join the talented ranks of our #KenCenInterns!

