Week Two Day Two

Kennedy Kori
2 min readOct 18, 2016


So far so good, am starting to get used to Python. No one said it would be easy, but then again, it’s not impossible.

Today I started officially working on my boot camp project in which I’m supposed to create a simple Pomodoro Timer that runs on the console. A Pomodoro Timer is a simply a timer that is used for time management using The Pomodoro Technique which is basically a time management philosophy that aims to provide the user with maximum focus and creative freshness, thereby allowing them to complete projects faster with less mental fatigue. The process is simple. For every project throughout the day, you budget your time into short increments and take breaks periodically. You work for 25 minutes, then take break for five minutes. After four “pomodoros” have passed, (100 minutes of work time with 15 minutes of break time) you then take a 15–20 minute break. Every time you finish a pomodoro, you mark your progress with an “X”, and note the number of times you had the impulse to procrastinate or switch gears to work on another task for each 25-minute chunk of time.

So how does it help you? Frequent breaks keep your mind fresh and focused. According to the official Pomodoro website, the system is easy to use and you will see results very quickly: “You will probably begin to notice a difference in your work or study process within a day or two. True mastery of the technique takes from seven to twenty days of constant use.”

So today I managed to create the a timer class, and pomodoro task class. The timer class implements methods that let you start, stop or reset the timer. The timer class also lets you operate the timer in a diffrent thread from the caller thread. The pomodoro task class models a pomodoro tasks and lets you define the title of the task, the number of pomodoro cycles used to complete the task and the start and stop time of the pomodoro.

All in all, today was a really good day and am hoping tomorrow would be an even better experience. Cheers!

