Product Placement Breakdown:
Waynes World

Kenneth Tanner
3 min readJun 27, 2023


Waynes World movie clip

“Wayne’s World” is a 1992 comedy film directed by Penelope Spheeris. The story revolves around Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar, two friends who host a low-budget public access television show called “Wayne’s World” from Wayne’s basement. When a slick television producer tries to exploit their show for profit, Wayne and Garth must navigate the challenges of fame, friendship, and staying true to themselves. The film became a cult classic, known for its humor, memorable catchphrases, and iconic headbanging scenes set to classic rock songs.

In our favorite scene, Wayne’s World combines comedy and clever product placement. We had to break it down.


Total clip length is 01:09:10 min./2080 frames
Waynes World movie clip
  1. Brand saturation
8 Brands Total. Pizza Hut, Reebox, Pepsi, Waynes World, Movie Clips, Nurpin, Doritos, Mountain Dew.
How many brands were shown in the clip? 8 in total

2. Total screen time

Waynes World 27.05 sec, Doritos 13.19 sec, Pepsi 10.07 sec.
What was the total screen time of each brands? The top 3 above 10 sec. (excluding Movieclips*)

3. Full logo time (longest and shortest)

What is the full logo time?
Waynes World movie clip

4. Multiple logo appearances

Reebox 7, Nurpin 3, Pepsi 2
How many logos were present? Reebox = seven (4 distinct), Nurpin = three (2 distinct), Pepsi = two (2 distinct)

5. Appearance time

Reboox time before appearance 33 sec, time after appearance 24 sec, total appearance time 11 sec.
How long was the brands appearance?

6. Interaction time

Doritos time before interaction 22 sec, after interaction 38 sec, total interaction time 8 sec.
How long was the brand interacted with?

7. Product fill size

Doritos max 56%, min 12%, max time 00:00:19 sec. / Pizza Hut max 36%, min 8%, max time 00:04:01 sec.
How big was the brand on screen?
Waynes World movie clip

8. Obstructed screen time

Doritos 53% of total screen time.
What is the time the brand is not in full display?

9. Brands mentioned

What brand names were mentioned in the clip?

10. Brands referenced

Pepso and Nurpin
Was the brand referenced in the clip? (Alluded too, slogan stated, etc.)
Waynes World movie clip

We cherry-picked some of our favorite data points for this clip. Send us recommendations for more iconic product placements to break down.

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