Reflections 9/26/2020

Kenneth Camp
2 min readSep 26, 2020


Out of all the cities I’ve walked around on my #walkthesouth tour, none have been so abandoned for suburbia as Mississippi’s. They say Mississippi is last in everything: obesity, schools, poverty, etc, and their downtown areas may be last too. My girlfriend, from Baltimore of all places, kept tensing up as we walked around downtown Meridian and I had to keep reminding her: “the police station is right over there!” In downtown Jackson, we went down an eerie block of boarded up businesses before turning around when we saw a feral dog! Still, I love Mississippi: its charm and originality is hard to beat.

I’ve noticed there are songs that every single female likes. “Strawberry Wine” comes to mind. If you’re a woman and don’t like this song, I’ll stand corrected.

They say “he took his ball and went home!” but sometimes home is the best place to be.

Nothing insults my intelligence like seeing football coaches on the sidelines wearing masks while their sweaty players tackle and block each other. Did you hear about the NFL fining a few of their coaches $100,000 for not wearing masks properly on the sidelines? It just shows how bad America is at this whole coronavirus thing. And don’t forget we’ve spent a few trillion dollars on this virus . . . but who’s counting?

When I see Dr. Fauci, I think Dr. Mousy.

I’m not a photographer but here’s something I’ve learned about taking pictures: try to capture the essence of beauty, not the beauty itself. You have to be there to experience the beauty of a place but if you can get your audience to see it from a certain angle, filter, and perspective then they might appreciate what you’re showing them.

In job interviews, do we always have to pretend we are flawless employees with the most impeccable resume you’ve ever laid your eyes on? Don’t we all make mistakes? Can I just promise I’ll try to get a good night’s sleep, eat breakfast, and show up to work on time with a positive attitude? Oh, and I also have a fully insured, several thousand dollar automobile at the ready. I’d rather walk or take a trolley or bus, but that’s reserved for everywhere but America. (No, I don’t wanna move to New York City.)

President Trump once wrote a book called “The Art of the Comeback.” I’ve never read it but it looks like he’s staging a comeback after a failed 1st term: no border wall, outrageous budget deficits, a dangerous stock market bubble, rioting and crime like never before, etc. But in the face of “defund the police” and Antifa, he’s becoming a beloved and sympathetic figure even if all he does is sit back and tweet “LAW AND ORDER!” He might make my expendable vote worthwhile after all.

