Trump’s Behavior Ruined the Debate

Kenneth Camp
2 min readSep 30, 2020


Everyone who watched the debate last night seems to agree that it was a train wreck and does not represent the best of America . . . but this is not an accurate representation of what happened. It deflects blame from the person who single handedly ruined the debate: President Trump. From the start he interrupted Biden and it made the debate moderation worthless. To be clear, the interrupting wasn’t a casual occurrence: it was extremely frequent and annoying. It made Trump look crazy and created a circus-like atmosphere, in which Biden told him “will you just shut up, man” and “it’s hard to get any word in with this clown.” In an effort to get the debate under control, the moderator kept saying “Mr. President! Mr. President!” but nothing would stop Trump from rudely speaking out of turn.

Once Trump disregarded all the rules and decorum of the debate, it made any policy discussion worthless. Unless you were a die hard politics fan or journalist, it was hard to follow what they were saying or derive much meaning from it. That was the point I feel like the general public understood but the Twitter critics, “the blue check marks”, missed last night. They kept obsessing over the details of what was said about the Supreme Court and white supremacy. I can’t imagine how many people must have seen the first 15 minutes and said “Trump is an ass” and turned the channel. The consensus from critics last night was that the debate had no winner but I strongly disagree. Trump’s crazy behavior last night proved that he is unstable and unfit for office . . . the Supreme Court, the economy, or whatever else be damned. Joe Biden was the winner by default.

