Debunking the Top 5 Plastic Surgery Myths

kenneth gaynor
2 min readJan 26, 2018


Plastic surgery is just like any other medical specialty that is coordinated by highly-trained doctors. They offer everything from burn scar revisions, body part enlargement, and reconstructive surgeries. The field is surrounded by various myths such as those in the list below. Here’s a good read about plastic surgery, check it out

Myth #1- plastic surgery merely is vanity and all about beauty
Although some procedures cater to the physical outlook, the plastic surgery goes beyond the physical appearance. Plastic surgeons are dedicated to ensuring the proper restoration of overall results of the surgery. When a patient decides to have an operation for cosmetic gains, it is usually the surgeon’s call to correct the areas which are not amenable to diet, weight loss or any other non-surgical means. To gather more awesome ideas, click here to get started

Myth #2- Cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery are the same
All plastic surgeons do not receive the same kind of training. Many doctors are trained and board certified in other specialties like family medicine and gynecology. After the practice, they ventured into plastic surgery. Therefore, they are not specialized in plastic surgery although they are board certified. Being board certified means that the physician has been through the required training. If a patient chooses to have a plastic or cosmetic procedure, they should ensure that the doctor is board certified in the process they are seeking. Kindly visit this website for more useful reference.

Myth #3- Plastic surgery does not leave scars and lasts forever
Although plastic surgeons are good at making scars less visible and smaller, all types of plastic surgery have some scar formation. Your doctor ought to recommend treatments that will make your injury less visible after having the surgery. Although most plastic surgeries are long lasting and will give lasting results for many years, some factors determine how long the effects last.

Myth #4- Only women go for plastic surgery
Although women are the most prominent customers of plastic surgery, men who are turning to plastic surgery are becoming increasingly many over the years. Men opt for various procedures such as dermal fillers, laser, and Botox treatments. Liposuction is also a popular choice for men seeking plastic surgery.

Myth #5 — Plastic surgery is the famous and the rich
Considering how well the plastic surgery industry has been doing, there is no way it could be for the rich and famous only, as they make up only one percent of the economy. Although many of the aesthetic patients are famous and wealthy, there is also a considerable number of average people going for cosmetic surgery these days. Thus, do not let this ideology keep you away from achieving your dreams.

