HDRP — Post-Processing Volumes

Using Multiple Volumes and Post-Processing Final Touches

Kenny McLachlan
2 min readJun 29, 2023

If you have been following the course thus far, we have already added a Global Volume to our Scene. As it sounds, the purpose of this Volume is to affect the entire scene.

What if there are certain parts of the scene that we want to be affected differently? That is where adding more Post-Processing Volumes come into play.

Let’s begin by adding a Box Volume. We can add this by right-clicking in the Hierarchy Panel > Volume > Box Volume.

For my Post-Processing Box Volume, I will scale the box to fit over the Test Tubes in my scene because that is the only area I want to be affected by this Volume.

Box Volume

With the Box Volume selected, in the Inspector, we will create a new Volume Profile and attach it to the profile.

Create a new Box Volume Profile.

For this example, I will add the Lift, Gamma, Gain override and adjust the settings to make the scene red once the Player enters the Box Volume. Think of it as “This is a hazardous zone and it will harm the Player”.

Another thing we can do so that it doesn’t snap into what is set to the Box Volume is to adjust the Blend Distance so the scene can transition into the Box Volume.

Of course, there are many different Post-Processing overrides that we can add to the Box Volume and the Global Volume so feel free to play with the tools at your disposal.

Another great thing to add would be to set the Anti-Aliasing to your Main Camera. This will allow Unity to automatically smooth out objects in your scene.

That wraps up this segment, See you next time!

