Rapid Prototyping

With the Unity Input System

Kenny McLachlan
2 min readSep 14, 2023

Finding ways to complete tasks in a quick and efficient way can always increase the time of your workflow. Browsing through the Unity Documentation, they have a section labeled, “How Do I…?

The Unity Input System allows placing Input Commands to be quicker than writing a mass of code from scratch and the “How Do I…” section gives us some viable options to increase the time we spend Prototyping.

Let’s dive into the first option on the How Do I list and play with the “Check if a specific key has been pressed.

When using the Unity Input System, we first need to access the Libraries.

If we look into the documentation, we have the option to write in code to check if a key was pressed at a frame. Writing the code in unison with the Unity Input System can speed up the process. For example, if we wanted to check if the Space key was pressed.

Using this method, we have access to all other types of inputs and commands.

The reason I wanted to address the “How Do I…” section within the Unity Documentation is because it gives us many examples of how we can speed up our development process and can prove to be a valuable asset for our future projects.

Thanks for tuning in!

