AI Uncovered: A Beginner’s Guide to the Future (Part 1)

Kenneth Ng
3 min readJun 22, 2023


As the world spins faster on the axis of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has become the centrifugal force that keeps us all in awe. The buzz around AI has been amplified recently, thanks to the commercialization of OpenAI’s chatGPT. From generative AI, large language models, text-to-image AI tools, to text-to-video AI tools, the AI lexicon is expanding faster than a supernova. However, amidst this explosion of information, the basic understanding of AI often gets lost in translation. So, let’s take a step back and start from the beginning. Welcome to the first part of our AI series, where we’ll demystify AI in the simplest terms.

First, let’s understand the difference between sustaining and disruptive technologies.

Sustaining Technology: The Incremental Innovator

Sustaining technology refers to minor tweaks made to existing technology to maintain its relevance and appeal to current users. Think of it as the annual iPhone upgrade — a faster processor here, a better camera there, and voila! You have the iPhone 14, a slightly better version of its predecessor, the iPhone 13.

Disruptive Technology: The Game Changer

On the other hand, disruptive technology is the wild card that reshuffles the deck of the market. It’s innovative, accessible, affordable, and most importantly, it changes the way we think and act. Startups often spearhead disruptive technologies, targeting smaller, less profitable markets overlooked by established companies. Once their prototype gains traction, they can redefine the market landscape.

Is AI a disruptive technology? Absolutely! As generative AI evolves to deliver more accurate and relevant results, it will undoubtedly revolutionise our lives and the market as we know it.

But like any superhero, disruptive technology has its strengths and weaknesses.

The Superpowers of Disruptive Technology:

Innovation Advantage:

Disruptive technology offers groundbreaking benefits to users. For instance, chatGPT significantly boosts productivity by automating tasks, from drafting emails to designing logos.

Startup Opportunities:

Startups can grow exponentially by leveraging disruptive technology. OpenAI and its chatGPT are prime examples.

Market Expansion:

Disruptive technology can stimulate growth in existing sectors and spawn new industries. The smartphone revolution, for instance, gave birth to app development, mobile gaming, and accessory industries.

The Kryptonite of Disruptive Technology:

Rough Around the Edges:

Early versions of disruptive technology can be clunky and lack refinement, affecting user experience.

Unproven Application:

Companies need user feedback to refine their products. However, prototypes are untested in the market, leading to skepticism and resistance from potential users.

Early Performance Issues:

New inventions often come with bugs and performance issues, which can tarnish the company’s reputation and public trust.

So, is AI, or more specifically, chatGPT, a disruptive technology? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. In our next installment, we’ll delve deeper into the fascinating world of AI.

This article is just the beginning of our journey into the realm of AI. Stay tuned for more insights, and remember, the future of AI is not just about understanding it, but shaping it. Let’s shape it together!



Kenneth Ng

Explorer of tech, love, and life's lessons. Kenneth: part-time adventurer, full-time storyteller, and your friendly guide through it all!