iOS XCUITest - Cucumberish

Kenneth Poon
7 min readApr 1, 2018

Getting iOS Engineers EXCITED with BDD in XCode.

Disclaimer: This topic is written with the context how the use of Cucumberish can be beneficial to an iOS development engineer or team for UI Automation Test.

This article aims to get excited iOS Engineers with using Cucumberish as part of their native iOS development. Before we introduce the Cucumberish library I would like to quickly go over some initial points.

  1. What’s Cucumber/Gherkin/Behavioral Driven Development (BDD)
  2. Structure of a cucumber test
  3. Some notes on cross platform mobile testing tools

I am an iOS Engineer and have been writing various iOS Automation tests framework: UIAutomation (using javascript), Calabash (using ruby), Sen Testing (Objective C), “XCTest+Gherkin” cocoapods, and presently “Cucumberish”. I have also found a way to write XCUITest to assert Google Analyics network payload. This is a very interesting topic but I will save this for another article/talk … stay tuned yeah.

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