Kenneth R Evans
1 min readFeb 24, 2017


Well, it must be quite a relief for you then that the NOAA did nothing of the kind. Seriously, do you not even know what the word “erase” means?

Anyway, let’s recap.

You believe that the NOAA have been publishing fraudulent results. The basis for this belief seems to be that you don’t understand basic mathematical principles. When asked to review other data that proves you wrong you claim that those sources are also in on the gigantic conspiracy, of which the NOAA, NASA, the Met and pretty much every credible scientific body on earth are also involved. And the reason for this gigantic conspiracy is “political”. I guess your thinking is that the tree huggers have vast stores of wealth that they use to trick the world with, while the poor underfunded oil industry is the last valiant defender of truth in science.

That’s some fantastic thinkin’, there Jethro.

Run along now. If you’re unwilling to even attempt to educate yourself, it sure ain’t my job to teach you.

