Published inHackerNoon.comMy Entrepreneurial FrameworkTLDR Personal growth and development should be an integral part of your business. It applies to founders and entrepreneurs as well as your…Sep 24, 2018Sep 24, 2018
Published inHackerNoon.comThe Big Bank, Davos and Enterprise SaaSI have never been to Davos. The closest I got was running into our senior partner in the queue for coffee at London City Airport at 5.45am…Feb 22, 2018Feb 22, 2018
Published inHackerNoon.comMy only job is to make you a better CEOThe only job of a chairman is to make you a better CEO. My goal for 2018 is to do that job better. I’ll start with one suggestion. When…Jan 28, 2018Jan 28, 2018
Published inHackerNoon.comEstonia — Land of Digital TrustRowan and Birch are both trees common in Scotland and the forests of Estonia. Estonians use these resources as a food source. Birch sap is…Dec 10, 20171Dec 10, 20171
Published inStartup StoriesImproving financial information for startupsTL:DR I have noticed that many entrepreneurs, investors and others struggle to prepare and understand financial information. I plan to…Jul 27, 2017Jul 27, 2017
Doing the right thing — Advisors need to keep it simple and get shit doneOne of the hoariest and most ancient of business maxims is “Management is doing things right; Leadership means doing the right thing.” It…May 11, 2017May 11, 2017
Your B2B SaaS is about relationships not pipelineWednesday this week I had my first customer meeting for an early stage startup I am involved with. Since it was the first meeting on behalf…Apr 24, 2017Apr 24, 2017
10 Years On: Take inspiration from M Pesa not the iPhoneAfrica gets in your blood they used to say. I have been infected for more than a quarter of a century. So this is a bit of an emotional…Mar 10, 2017Mar 10, 2017
Published inStartup StoriesThe enterprise has to change: How Trump and Brexit create opportunity for SaaSAm I alone in finding something a bit weird about the rise of equity markets since Brexit/ the election of Trump? Its true there are…Feb 8, 2017Feb 8, 2017
Published inSunstone Links GolfBrora — A wild and distant linksCheck out the pictures from the whole Sutherland tour Sutherland in the Highlands of Scotland is not one of the best known stretches of…Sep 21, 2016Sep 21, 2016