Do you want to start as a UI or UX designer?

Kenny Montaño Beltré
2 min readJan 13, 2019

If your answer is “yes”, there are certain factors that I have noticed as determinants if we want to start in these areas:

  1. The most important thing is to have empathy and a lot of desire to learn day after day.
  2. Focus on what we want to specialize.
  3. Devote time daily to learn and practice.

After you are clear that this is what you want, you must use the sources of information necessary to educate yourself at each point: Blogs, Podcasts, Youtube, Ebooks, etc.

I recommend you the Invision Blog and Medium accounts like Tubik Studio, they create great and inspiring content for designers that want to be better at creating digital products.

There is a bunch of information out there, the important thing is that you do not obtain too much knowledge and in the end, you don’t know how or where to start. Focus on learning and practicing step by step. This way you will get better results in less time.

I want you to take the time to invest in adding knowledge to yourself and start doing what you want to do.

Once you start practicing find a mentor that helps you in your path and improve your skills.


Never, never, ever stop learning. In User interface and User experience design, like all areas very related to technology, things are evolving very fast, you must maintain the habit of documenting yourself so as not to become obsolete.

I hope this article has inspired you and that today you start your learning marathon.

Do you know another tip to start learning something new? Leave it in the comments 😊

Have a great day!


I’m a Digital Communication Specialist and UI|UX Designer from DR.



Kenny Montaño Beltré

Product Designer & Digital Communication Specialist who loves design, technology, and photography