What is it like to be a mentor?

Kenny Montaño Beltré
4 min readMay 2, 2019

Nothing gives more stress than not knowing what to do.
Am I right!?

People need someone that could challenge them and guide them through their journey. This is why I believe there should be more mentors and you could be that mentor.

Sometimes we believe that we have nothing to contribute to others but that’s not true, we can all contribute and be supportive to each other, even those you cannot imagine.

We all have something to share!.

You just need to be open to give what you have, what you already know, what others can learn.

5 Things to have in mind

  1. Everybody has something worthy to share. So, do you!.
  2. It’s not about you. It is about how you could help someone to be better.
  3. Choose one to three categories that you feel comfortable enough to give support. (Tip: Just place a check on the ones people say or complement you are good at).
  4. Improve yourself every day to improve others. Don't stop learning!.
  5. You also need to have a mentor. Somebody with the experience could support you and teach you how to be a good coach for life.

My experience as a mentor at Bootcamp WCW

A few months ago, Mujeres Tics’ President invited me to be a mentor in the Bootcamp WCW (Women Changing the World), a six-week hackathon where the girls would create, build and present new businesses or product ideas using disruptive technologies. I was excited and began to wonder how I could pass my knowledge to the attendees.

In the Bootcamp, I taught them how to create Prototypes and guide them to make a great interface of their products. I’ve always loved helping people, and I fell in love with the Bootcamp Girls pretty quickly.

I left you some words the girls shared about their experience in the Bootcamp WCW:

I have to admit that I was excited when the teams presented their projects with great confidence and performance in front of the juries invited to the final Women Changing the World event, knowing that they all worked hard to finish the project successfully. It should be noted that all the ideas were great, which meant a tight competition for all the teams and for the juries to choose a winner.

Thereafter, I ended up noticing that this experience has changed me totally and brought gratification to my life.

The Bootcamp girls may believe that I helped them a lot, but they do not know how much they contributed to me as a person and as a professional. I feel like they are like my daughters 💜and I am super eager to create another workshop or talk in which we can share this experience again.

1) Bootcamp girls and Mujeres Tics Coordination Team. 2) Isuara Jiménez and I (as mentors). 3) Bootcamp Girls and Luis Matos (Bootcamp contributor).


As I said, everybody has something to share.

It’s amazing how rewarding it is to know that you can help others grow in every aspect of your life and that no matter how much or little you think you can teach or share you can make a big difference in your life and other people’s lives.

I invite you to connect with somebody (could be a good friend or student) and guide them to improve their projects or their life. Help others in what you know you’re good and start fulfilling your purpose in life.

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Click here to read this article in Spanish.

Have a great day!


I’m a Digital Communication Specialist and UI|UX Designer from DR.



Kenny Montaño Beltré

Product Designer & Digital Communication Specialist who loves design, technology, and photography