Variance in Rust

3 min readDec 15, 2017


(Just some notes when checking how variance should work with DST.)


Subtype relationship between two types means the following is a valid program:

let s: Sub = ...;
let u: Base = s; // ok!

Subtyping relationship is written as Sub: Base in Rust, or S <: B mathematically.

Unlike traditional OOP languages like Java and C#, Rust has no concept of inheritance. Subtyping in Rust concerns about lifetime. A 'longer lifetime is a subtype of a 'shorter lifetime (written in code as 'longer: 'shorter), and 'static is the “base” or “bottom” of all lifetimes.

let s: &'static str = ...;
let u: &'short str = s; // ok!

Intuitively, a supertype encompass a general concept, and a subtype is some specialization of it. There is only one 'static lifetime region, while there are many many 'short lifetime regions, so 'static is a subtype.


Variance is a property of a generic parameter of a type constructor (e.g. Vec), which affects subtype relationship among constructed types. Rust 1.24 recognizes four kinds of variances:

  1. Invariant, e.g. Cell<T> and Cell<U> are totally different types.
  2. Covariant, e.g. Vec<T> is a subtype of Vec<U> iff T is a subtype of U.
  3. Contravariant, e.g. fn(T) is a subtype of fn(U) iff T is a supertype of U.
  4. Bivariant, meaning the parameter is unused, and thus X<T> and X<U> are always compatible even if T and U are totally different.

Variance Arithmetic

Let the set of variances be {0, +, −, ∞}, meaning in-, co-, contra- and bivariant respectively. We define the following operations:

Transform (V × W).

  • Combines variances where the type constructors are composed.
  • Example: Vec<fn(T)>has variance of Vec<T> × fn(T).
  • Unit element is + (covariant).
  • Implemented in rustc::ty::Variance::xform in rustc source.
║ × ║ 0 │ + │ − │ ∞ ║
║ 0 ║ 0 │ 0 │ 0 │ 0 ║
║ + ║ 0 │ + │ − │ ∞ ║
║ − ║ 0 │ − │ + │ ∞ ║
║ ∞ ║ ∞ │ ∞ │ ∞ │ ∞ ║

GLB (VW), short for greatest-lower-bound, also known as meet or infimum.

  • Combines variances where two types form a tuple.
  • Example: (Vec<T>, fn(T)) has variance of Vec<T>fn(T).
  • Unit element is ∞ (bivariant).
  • Implemented in rustc_typeck::variance::xform::glb in rustc source.
║ ∧ ║ 0 │ + │ − │ ∞ ║
║ 0 ║ 0 │ 0 │ 0 │ 0 ║
║ + ║ 0 │ + │ 0 │ + ║
║ − ║ 0 │ 0 │ − │ − ║
║ ∞ ║ 0 │ + │ − │ ∞ ║

Variance of Built-in Type Constructors

  • Primitives (u32, str, bool, extern type):
    ∞ (bivariant)
  • Generic parameter (T):
    + (covariant)
  • References (&'a<'b> _, &'a<'b> mut _)
    'b = + (covariant) × 'a.
  • Shared pointer (&X<T>, *const X<T>):
    T = + (covariant) × X.
  • Unique pointer (&mut X<T>, *mut X<T>):
    T = 0 (invariant) × X.
  • Arrays and slices ([X<T>]):
    T = + (covariant) × X.
  • Aggregates (tuples, struct, enum, union):
    GLB of all fields
  • Traits (Trait<Input<T>, Output=Output<U>> + 'a<'b>):
    T = 0 (invariant) × Input.
    U = + (covariant) × Output.
    'b = + (covariant) × 'a.
  • Function pointers (fn(Input<T>) -> Output<U>):
    T = − (contravariant) × Input.
    U = + (covariant) × Output.

(Note when reading source code: the variance of lifetimes are annotated in an inverted manner, see RFC issue #391 for detail.)

