Screencast — 1:1 session : Building a react/redux application from scratch

Avi Zurel
2 min readOct 4, 2016


One of my roles as a senior engineer is to educate team members and make sure they are up to speed with things they want/need to learn.

I remember as a junior engineer, many of the things I did only really “clicked” when I did it with a senior engineer and really had a chance to ask the questions along the process.

I did many screencasts in the past and one of the things that you always get afterwards are questions like “why X?” and “Why did you do it this way?”, having that feedback while you are doing something is great because you don’t get to assume anything about the things you know/don’t know.

Recently, I did a session like this @ Gogobot Stephens (Junior engineer). He wanted to work on a small React/Redux application for internal use and I thought it’s a great opportunity to do it together and get him up to speed.

I offered to stream it live on and he agreed.

The experience was great for me, the level of questions I got both from Stephens and from people in the chat room made me focus on what I am saying and explain things that I would not have explained if I was doing the screencast alone.

The process

I didn’t know before the screencast what was the application we needed to work on. We worked through the basics.

Stephens explained the application to me and we mocked it up, started from scratch and worked through the API communication and everything else we needed.


The screencast is 2 parts (total of about 2.5 hours) and it’s completely live. No edits have been made to it whatsoever.


Part 2


I would love to do more of this in the future, I think it’s really a great resource, I watched it a couple of times since and I feel that if you are just starting with React/Redux and having difficulty with wrapping your head around the concept, you should watch this.

Would love your feedback

