Install Vue Syntax Highlighting via Package Control on Sublime Text 2

Kent Aguilar
2 min readJan 18, 2018


I have the need recently to use syntax highlighting on my Vue scripts under Sublime Text. It just feels different when there is no syntax highlighting on the code you’re working on. So, did some digging.

However, I needed to go from one site to the other to satisfy my queries. Hence, I listed out the steps I took for reference. Hope this helps!

Install the Package Control package

  1. Go to & copy the long command there.
  2. Open the Sublime Text 2 console by pressing Ctrl+`.
  3. Paste the command you copied into the Sublime Text console then press Enter.
  4. After Package Control installs, restart Sublime Text.

Install Vue Syntax Highlighting package

  1. Press Command-Shift-P (Mac OS X) or Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows) to open the Command Palette.
  2. Start typing Package Control and select Package Control: Add Repository
  3. Paste this on the textbox field that appears ->
  4. Press Command-Shift-P (Mac OS X) or Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows) again and start typing Package Control
  5. Select Package Control: Install Package . It should list all available packages.
  6. Search for Vue Syntax Highlight and select it for actual installation
  7. That’s it!. You should be able to open a .vue file with syntax highlighting.

