My Journey to Find the Essence

Kento Nagaya
3 min readOct 12, 2022

The other day, my friend said this to me.

“Kento, you have the ability to summarize a story.”

I had never been told such a thing before, nor had I thought about it.

Sometimes when I talk to a certain person, I get to know his/her and recognize more and more about his/her.

I would like to thank those who tell me about my character directly and also would like to share those things with others.


There is one popular theory called the “hero’s journey”.

The theory, discovered by American mythologist Joseph Campbell, is that many stories have a common template of stories.

The main character, who is living an ordinary life, goes on an adventure, meets a wise man, overcomes several trials, and returns home to realize that he/she has grown up, and this is common among many stories.

Stories along this template allow people to feel for and be moved by the character who has grown up. One Piece, Harry Potter, and Spirited Away all follow this theory.

In other words, all stories, while having an emotional aspect, are very logical as well.


I originally loved novels. From there, I have a habit of summarizing everything into one storytelling.

Writing a blog every day, I have naturally acquired the ability to compose sentences, which may have gradually developed my logical thinking as well.

I interpret the ability to summarize a story as the ability to find a causal association in the stories I hear from others and to create storytelling.

Of course, as human beings, we cannot always summarize logically. Therefore, I would like to value feelings such as “somehow”.

But I have a feeling that I like to find a causal association somewhere to clear my mind, and I think I have unconsciously been thinking following the Hero’s Journey.


I have my doubts about a lot of things at this age.

Some people try to decorate things that have little content to make themselves look good, or use strong language to stir up people’s anxiety. Some people try to move people only on the surface.

The world is complicated. I don’t think there are any easy answers.

I want to cherish the sensations that felt strange, even if it means going against the times.

Recently, I sometimes feel that I am on a “journey to find the essence”.

I think that I am living my life searching for clues to the “essence” hidden in this complicated world. I believe that the essence is things without the sensation that felt strange.

It is not only logical but also emotional. Some parts are not clear. This is what I find interesting.

My ability to summarize a story may be one of my skills of lifestyle to find the essence.

I will continue my journey to find the essence.

However, as a person who believes in the ethical doctrine that human nature is fundamentally good (性善説) proposed by Chinese Confucian philosopher Mencius, I want to be careful not to become a critical person with a lot of sarcasm.

I am not a hero but want to continue my journey. There are still many things in the world that I don’t know.


The original Japanese version is here.

My Twitter account is here.

The location of the picture is here.



Kento Nagaya

Japanese web designer and web writer in Georgia since July and a former IT engineer. Sharing my thoughts with you.