3 Prominent Monasteries For Meditation In Capital City Of Bhutan

Rinzin Yangzom
3 min readMay 24, 2022


Meditation can help you get through the toughest days and times! It’s undoubtedly the simplest and least expensive way to stay cheerful, focused, and mentally fit. You are free to meditate wherever you wish! You can perform it anywhere as long as you breathe deeply and remain concentrated, such as in the park, in your study, or on the commuter bus. In Bhutan, monasteries are the most well-known places for meditation. If you wish to visitas scared places you can book a tour package through Norbu Bhutan Travel agent.

#1. Dechenphu Lhakhang

Dechenphu Lhakhang

The Dechenphu Lhakhang is a walled monastery on the western slope of Thimphu valley. There is no other local development around the sanctuary, which is surrounded by a large forest. As a result, it’s an excellent location for meditation in Bhutan.

Aside from meditation, residents think that the monastery’s powerful local deity, Aap Gyenyen, gives protection and grants wishes. As a result, the place is popular with individuals who embark on long journeys — students taking exams, business people making decisions, politicians campaigning for government, and so on.

#2. Pangri Zampa Lhakhang

Royal College of Astrology

The Royal College of Astrology is housed in the Pangri Zampa Monastery, where students can study astrology for six years. Bhutanese people place a high value on astrology. Even today, Bhutanese people consult an astrologer before making major decisions, including building a house, starting a business, or choosing a life partner.

Aside from the astrological drama, the monastery is a popular destination for meditation in Bhutan! The tranquil Pangri Zampa monastery is located on the bank of Wang Chhu, far from the city. The sanctuary is surrounded by two massive cypress trees (said to be the largest in the country) and colorful prayer flags. Join the monks in meditation for a bit to restore your spirit! Forget the past and the future. Take some time to focus on your breathing and be grateful for what you have and who you are!

#3. Tango Monastery

Tango Monastery

Tango Monastery’s serene environment and attractive surroundings enhance one’s trip experience. The Tango Monastery is a well-known Buddhist study facility in Thimphu near the Cheri Mountains. The one-hour hike to the top of the monastery is certainly worth it! It’s a popular meditation spot in Bhutan. Yarney, the monastery’s annual celebration, attracts hundreds of Bhutanese.

It lasts a month and a half, during which monks congregate and take solemn vows. If you happen to be in Bhutan during Yarney’s reign, go to the monastery to meditate. The atmosphere is soothing, and after meditating, you will feel more rejuvenated and nourished.

Kurjay Lhakhang

The three monasteries mentioned above are among the best places in Bhutan to meditate and find pleasure. These are only a few of the country’s many Buddhist monasteries. In Bhutan, you can also visit other monasteries for meditation. Book your vacation with us if you wish to appreciate the gorgeous scenery and meditate in Bhutan’s religious monasteries. Norbu Bhutan offers a variety of Bhutan vacation packages to ensure you have a memorable experience! Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about your trip to Bhutan.

