The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Radzmy Philip Fernandez
4 min readNov 2, 2017


by: Radzmy Philip Fernandez and Jocy Canja

The first time I played the game, all I could say was that it was the best RPG action game that I could ever play. The controls are smooth and the graphics is out of this world. And with the exhilarating story of the character in which he/she is the dragonborn, the protagonist of the story in which he/she can absorb dragon souls and learn shouts, each with its own effect.

I enjoyed every single bit of it all throughout the game, although I was unable to finish. The missions were not too hard but it wasn’t easy either. There are also a lot of monsters and dragons in the game in which some are hard to kill because of low skill or level. The game is very enjoyable because you get to choose if you want to be the bad guy or be the hero. You are allowed to pickpocket, steal, or even murder. But of course it has its own consequences, you are either to pay a fine and spend your time in prison or prepare yourself to be banned from that town. Also, there are a variety of skills which you can customize your character to suit your taste, you can be an archer, a knight, a mage, a thief, an assassin, or you can just combine one, two, or all of them.

Skyrim is made by Bethesda Game Studios, a famous and renowned game company in the US which is also famous for Fallout and Dishonored. It is also published by Bethesda Softworks. The game was made using Creation Engine which was rebuilt specifically for the game. Creation engine is also made by Bethesda game studios in which they used Gamebryo engine as a basis.

As I mentioned before, Skyrim revolves around our hero, the dragonborn. We are allowed to customize the appearance of the character whichever we like and we can also get to select what race it could be, from elves to cat people or more known in the name as “kajiit”. The story of Skyrim starts with us being a prisoner and sentenced to death and then be saved by a dragon which also terrorized the place. And then our hero goes on a journey, slaying dragons, defeating monsters, raiding places, searching for treasure, joining guilds, and everything else you could imagine.

The story is about the dragonborn’s quest on defeating a dragon named Alduin otherwise known as the world-eater. The dragon is prophesied to destroy the world and it is our dragonborn’s task to defeat it after completing tasks to hone its skills.

During the game we get to meet a lot of groups that will help our charracter grow. There is the Greybeards that will teach us all about the shouts and dragons, also we would get to meet their leader, which is a dragon named Paarthurnax. The Blades, a group of dragon hunters. The mage’s guild in the college of Winterhold founded by the Psijic Order. There are a lot more of groups in Skyrim like the thieves’ guild,the dark brotherhood, the companions and many more but it would take too long.

To finish it off, you will need a lot, and I mean a lot of time to finish the game because everything will just get hard as you level up. Some monsters grow their levels along side yours with their health, stamina and strength improving. Others are just too high leveled and you sometimes encounter them in the game even though your level is extremely low which ends up you being DEAD. But the fun part of it is that there is never a boring part in the game, the conversations are meaningful and the action is topnotch because it’s like you’re in the real world. You can sneak on enemies and assassinate them, bullseye them at a distance, cast magic on them, or have a go at it with swords or with your bare fists. The game is so thrilling that it got my body moving along in every fight as if I was really inside the game taking part of the action.

