KEOS token Additional Migration Announcement (~Nov. 30)

3 min readOct 16, 2018


We will perform additional migration for the KEOS holder that has not been able to proceed with the migration. Be sure to migrate during this period!

※ Additional migration will be done until November 30, 2018. Applications submitted after November 30 will not be transferred, so please complete by November 30!

Because the ERC-20 tokens can not be moved, it is also impossible to migrate via Hanbitco Exchange and MEET.ONE. Therefore, please refer to the procedure below and proceed in the same way.

* KEOS代币追加迁移公告 :

1. Accessing Sing Message page of MyEtherWallet

(1) Visit ‘MyEtherWallet’ website (

(2) Click the ‘Sign Message’

MyEtherWallet main page
Mobile version

2. Choose how to connect your wallet

※ Please connect the Ethereum Wallet that you received the ERC-20 KEOS tokens.

※ The selection of the MetaMask is an example of progress, please proceed as you wish.

3. Writing a message

Please copy the message below and insert your EOS account into the ’12 digit EOS account’ in “”. Please input the sentence in the message field and click ‘Sign Message’ button.

keos token migration account: “12 digit EOS account”

ex) keos token migration eos account: “keoskorea111”

※ Please confirm that you have correctly filled in your EOS account. If you do not receive your token because you made a mistake, it cannot be processed!

4. Verify signature

After confirming the message, please confirm the signature.

5. Check Signature

Copy and keep the full text of the Signature field. It is necessary to fill out the application form.

6. Complete the KEOS token Additional Migration Application

In the application below, please fill in the your ethereum address, EOS account, amount of your KEOS tokens, the Signature you copied from step 5, and your email address.

★ Application form:

★ EOS based KEOS token will be transferred once a week.

KEOS team will confirm the application form and send it to you separately.

The KEOS token will be transferred in batches and will take some time. I’ll let you know more about the schedule later.

Thank you.


※ Team KEOS

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KEOS is a Seoul-based joint operation of blockchain experts dedicated to empowering the EOS community and vitalizing its ecosystem worldwide.