Kepler Confidential Assets

2 min readMar 20, 2020


It is time to demo Kepler’s confidential assets (now on Testnet). We’ve been running CA on Testnet for over a week now.

What are Confidential Assets?

At Kepler, we have been talking about Confidential Assets (CA) for almost a year now, but what are they ?

CA is a major improvement in privacy for Blockchain Applications. Traditional privacy platforms cannot hide their asset types, not even on major privacy platforms such as Grin, Monero and others. Transaction details such as origin, destination, amount may be hidden, however, the transaction asset type is known (it is possible to determine the asset type being sent).

Now, let’s take into consideration that you do not want to expose the asset type. not just the transaction amount. Kepler has now native Confidential Assets which will allow users to do this.

Types of Confidential Assets

There’s two types of Confidential Assets on Kepler:

  • Confidential assets native on the blockchain (Native CA)
  • Confidential assets implemented by Smart Contracts (Contract CA)

Confidential Assets in Action

On the screenshot below, we’re creating an asset called “btc”, this asset type will be hidden as it is a Confidential Asset.

Creating a confidential asset called “btc” — name sounds familiar …
Here we send some “btc” to another node, the transaction is successful completed and it is the first Confidential Assets transaction!

CA Launch in Mainnet

Currently, confidential assets are in Kepler’s Testnet, we’re finalizing details and preparing documentation for the launch which will be available in a future Kepler release.

