How your laughter relates to your personality

Kepler's Team
5 min readJul 6, 2023


By Khrystyna Leskiv

Key Takeaways

  • Your laughter can mirror your personality. Each type of laughter has its own interpretations that describe the behavior to which a person is prone.
  • Giggling laughter can be outlined as a light and bubbly sound that comes out in short bursts. Such laughers are positive, live in the moment, and value spontaneity but often feel anxious or restless.
  • Snorting is a sudden sound that resembles a piggy’s grunting. This type of laughter is a sign of introverts. These snorters are usually shy and don’t like attention, but they are quite intelligent and empathetic.
  • The guffaw is a loud, hearty, and boisterous laugh that can make your whole body shake. Such laughers know how to take the best out of life, love to socialize, and are not afraid to take risks.
  • The cackler is characterized by its irrepressibility and piercing sound. People with this laugh are extroverts with good communication skills. They relatively easily can achieve what they want and find solutions to problems.
  • If the person laughing looks as if out of breath, it is a wheezing laugh. It is believed that wheezers are great jokers and have a good sense of humor but they want to appear more reserved and serious by holding their laughter back.
  • Snickers laugh under their breath and sound similar to gigglers but seem a bit more sly. Nevertheless, this laugh describes the person as sociable, smart, and witty and inclined to take things in a more humorous way more often than others.

Believe it or not, the way you laugh can reveal a lot about your personality.

Dr. Robert Provine, a neuroscientist who studied yawning, hiccups, and laughter, says that only 10 percent of giggles are caused by jokes. So there are way more reasons behind laughing as well as there are different types of laughter, each with its own interpretations. Laughter can indicate joy, confidence, love, shyness, and even fear or anxiety. So let’s find out which category your laughter belongs to and how it reflects your personal traits.

The Giggler

Giggling laughter can be described as a light and bubbly sound that comes out in short bursts and looks like the person is trying to suppress it. It can be sporadic, intermittent, and involve a series of short, quick breaths or sighs. This laughter can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, such individuals are considered to be positive thinkers of a playful nature with a youthful and bright outlook on life. They live in the moment and value spontaneity. Yet, on the flip side, some people may giggle in response to nervous or awkward situations. This type of laughter can occur when a person feels anxious, potentially indicating a hidden sense of insecurity or inner turmoil.

The Snorter

Another type of suppressive laughter is snorting. It is characterized by a sudden, sharp sound that really resembles a piggy’s snorting. The sound can carry a vibrant quality, adding an extra surge of energy and emphasis to the laughter. It might look a bit funny, but in the meantime, it is very cute indeed. This laugh emerges when a person tries to hold it back, but it seems to sneak up their nose instead. This can be a sign of shyness, modesty, and unwillingness to attract unnecessary attention. Therefore, such people are often introverted and avoid crowded places. However, they do stand out for their thoughtfulness and sophistication, as well as their caring and empathy.

The Guffaw

Guffaw is a loud, hearty, and often boisterous type of laughter, which features its robust and unrestrained nature. This deep-belly laugh can be so intense and powerful that it can make the entire human body, especially the stomach, shudder. It has a contagious effect spreading its infectious cheerfulness to those who hear it and often causing others to laugh. It is sort of a real-life equivalent of iconic online LOL. Hence, it is quite logical that such laughers know how to live life to the fullest and enjoy themselves. They are thought to be very sociable and relaxed, so they are often the center of attention and the life of the party. These people are usually quite brave, not afraid to run the risk, and try not to miss but seize the slightest opportunity.

The Cackler

The cackling laugh is usually piercing with a sharp and penetrating sound that sets it apart from others. It can be hysterical in nature when it seems that the person is on the verge of losing control or is in fits of irrepressible laughter. Sometimes this laughter might even sound angry or malicious as if reflecting a sense of dark humor. Nevertheless, these cacklers are a source of endless positivity and joy. Their extroversion makes it easy for them to get along with new people and they are often crowd favorites. Thanks to their courage and confidence they quickly solve problems and achieve their goals.

The Wheezer

If a person laughing looks breathless or makes kind of gasping sounds as if they have shortness of air, then this is the wheeze laughter type. As a rule, it is characterized by sharp intakes of breath between bursts of laughter itself. In fact, this happens mostly to people having a rambunctious laugh that somehow they try to disguise. It is believed that the wheezers are excellent jokers and have a good sense of humor. However, because of their timid side, they prefer to appear more reserved and serious by restraining their emotion which can turn into loud laughter.

The Snicker

This one is made when a person tries to laugh under their breath. It may sound a little bit like a giggler but it is of a more insidious or sly nature. This kind of laughter suggests that these people are more likely than others to find humor in different things. Therefore, they can easily take the serious for the funny. In addition, they stand out for their smartness and wit so you will never be bored with them. Moreover, they are so easygoing that it takes them around a minute to make friends with a new person.

Obviously, you can get any of these types of laughter depending on the situation, mood, or even the joke. But still, think about which one resembles yours the most and share with us in the comments if the description of your laugh type really reflects your personal qualities.

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