Ways to beat insomnia

Kepler's Team
4 min readDec 14, 2022


By Khrystyna Leskiv

At present, about half of the world’s population suffers from insomnia.

Insomnia is considered a pathological sleep disorder, accompanied by its insufficient duration for full recovery, difficulty falling asleep, as well as waking up in the early hours.

Since people need different amounts of sleep to feel well, insomnia has more to do with the quality of the sleep but not the number of hours thereof or how quickly a person falls asleep. Even though after spending on average eight hours a night in bed, you have a feeling of tiredness and exhaustion, there is a high possibility you might be experiencing insomnia.

However, the positive aspect is that you can deal with most cases of insomnia on your own by using some easy sleep hygiene practices. So, keep reading to learn how to improve your sleep quality.

Create a sleeping routine

Going to bed and getting up in the morning at the same time every day is a must for proper sleep. Additionally, the weekends should not be an exception to this rule. Sticking to such a schedule will help adjust your inner biological clock, train your organism and, consequently, configure a regular sleep rhythm. Yet, if a substantial change needs to be made, consider taking a step-by-step approach.

Reduce naps during a day

In case you have disrupted sleep patterns, avoiding napping during daylight hours is recommended. This may negatively affect your rest at night and make it difficult to fall asleep at bedtime. If you feel you do need this, then take no more than 30 minutes before 3 p.m.

Organize a favorable sleeping environment

If you want to get a good night’s slumber, it is vital to stay in an appropriate atmosphere. Make sure your mattress and pillow feel comfortable and don’t cause discomfort. Eliminate any noise sources from your bedroom or wear earplugs to prevent disrupting your sleep.

Besides, the temperature in your bedroom is proven to contribute to either bad or good sleep. Hence, in order not to wake up in the middle of the night, the temperature should be kept between 12 °C and 24°C. It is also useful to wear an eye mask or blackout curtains if there may be some light that can bother you.

Exclude eating and drinking too much before going to bed

Big evening meals may become a reason for stomach troubles or heartburn. Drinking alcohol or some other beverages, especially those containing caffeine, will cause discomfort, making you wake up several times during the night. Thus, all of these, together or separately, will lead to frequent awakenings and interrupted sleep.

Do not take your gadgets in your bed

A blue light emitted by your device’s screen disrupts melatonin production in the body and fights drowsiness. If you are used to doing some activity before sleep, then consider some other relaxing alternatives such as listening to calm music or reading a paper book.

Pay attention to some natural remedies

Magnesium is a natural mineral that ensures muscle relaxation and stress relief, which fosters sound sleep. The participants of one 2012 study claimed to have improved their sleep patterns after taking 500 mg of magnesium every day for two months.

Another helpful supplement, melatonin, was also proven to be able to combat insomnia. Taking 1 to 5 mg of melatonin 30 minutes before bed can help reduce sleeping disorder in a fortnight.

Healthy sleep patterns may also be encouraged with the help of lavender oil. It lowers anxiety levels promoting in such a way better sleep.

Yet, it is extremely important to consult your doctor and learn about possible side effects before applying any of these methods.

Employ relaxation techniques

Practicing the following exercises right before you are going to fall asleep will make you feel more relaxed and provide you with a sense of calm.

Controlled breathing, or pranayamic breathing, may help tranquilize the nervous system and dull excitatory stimuli, thus setting your brain to sleep. You may start with the 4–7–8 Method. First, you need to place the tip of your tongue against the ridge of tissue behind your upper front teeth and not change its position throughout the whole process. Inhale slowly through your nose while counting to four, hold your breath for seven counts, and then exhale through the mouth to a count of eight. Repeat this cycle four times.

One of the styles of Mindfulness meditation lies in slow and steady breathing with a concentration on how your body feels. While inhaling and exhaling, do not focus on the thoughts and emotions but scan every inch of your body and allow it to relax.

The next is Progressive muscle relaxation. The point is to gradually tense and relax all the body muscles. Starting with the muscles of your face to the ones of your legs, try to tense them in turn for 10 seconds and then release them while continuing to breathe in and out deeply.

If you stay awake in bed for a long time, then to avoid creating an association of your sleeping environment with wakefulness, get up, leave your bedroom, and try doing something that may help you relax. Afterward, you can come back and attempt to fall asleep once more.

Sometimes, it may be better to consult a sleep specialist when it is rather difficult to cope with insomnia on your own. If you’ve been struggling to fall asleep at night for several weeks, you wake up weary and feel drowsy during the day, or you have some breathing problems like snoring or gasping, then it’s about time to make an appointment.

Remember that sound and refreshing sleep is a vital component of your well-being and general health as well as your overall productivity during the day. Therefore, do not neglect even the minor symptoms of sleep disorder and practice good sleep hygiene, which is a surefire recipe for insomnia.

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